a irri m u jv. eve kts. 218 Main St., Dallas, Texas. Finest FngraVed Class Ring's, Commencement Invitations, Visiting- Cards Etc. Original designs submitted. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY. (Bade! <§)o1iciteel. OFhICE—Front Rooms Over Postoffice. - - TEXA.S. CHAS. OTT 281 Main Street _ _ _ DAEEAS, TEXAS. BICYCLE AND GUN REPAIRING. EXPERT SAFE OPENING. Guns, Pistols, Ammunitions, Seines. & FOOT BALLS AND ATHLETIC GOODS, FOOT BALL—Pants, Jackets, Stockings, Shoes, Shin Guards, Belts Caps, Sweaters. BASE BALL—Masks, Catcher's Gloves, Balls, Uniforms. BICYCES—Monarch, Crawford, Gendron and othe rs. W. W. DARBY, A. RAGLAND, E. S, GAUSE, Proprietors. I’ati-onized and endorsed by.more banks, bankers, prominent businessmen and iiifrb public oOicials tlian all other business colleg-es in Texas combined. Positions guaranteed under certain reasonable conditions. Rotes taken for tuition". Railroad fare paid in full. Board $10.00. Write for free catalogue of the best bus iness school in the South. Address • THE METROPOLITAN BUSINESS COLLEGE: Dallas, Texas.