THE BATTALION. 9 perceive without the necessary physical force to perform would find us but little better than the one-sided physically developed Spartans. The supremacy of the spiritual and moral natures of man must be recogmized in any adequate system of education. The man who would belittle this phase of man’s nature but proclaims his own littleness, his lack of soul and brain. Every phase of man’s nature must be harmoniously developed in order that we may have the well-balanced, symmetrical creature that God intended man to be. What is the true end of man’s creation? Man never recogmized the meaning- of his existence until he saw that he was placed here as the sole intelligent observer of the divine wisdom in the construction of this planet, and as desig-nated to be God’s chosen companion with whom he would hold daily intercourse. He was to be the discoverer and interpreter of the divine mind in the structure and plan of the-universe; he was to be the friend of God to whom He would reveal the mystery of man’s own existence, his moral destiny and the character of his divine Creator. God was man’s best teacher, from whom he learned what best satisfied his anxious inquiries, what helped his intel lect to its profoundest meditations and stimulated it to its larg-est activities. Oral instruction was ultimately sub stituted by a text-book containing- the Divine Teacher's communications, and man was henceforth bidden to study that. He'was commanded to keep it in his heart, to teach it dillig-ently to his children. We discover, therefore, that he who formed the human mind, provided for its hig-hest and best development. Had the study of natural laws suf-