10 THE BATTALION. him that is being taught and him that teacheth. What is, then, that aim, so lofty, so dignified, so im portant, so unselfish, that you students, your president, that faculty, all here, can alike strive for it and mutually help each other to attain it? I will tell you. “You are building higher than you know.” You represent possibili ties and hopes and futures that no man can measure or even grasp. You and I, my colleagues, might well sink to our knees did we catch a glimpse of the immortal energies here before us, “in the rough,” awaiting our constructive pro cesses. You young men are the soul of the next- genera tion! You are the spirit in lmbryo of the twentieth cen tury! You are the hrirs of mental achievements at which a Socrates or a Solomon would go wild. You have, laid in your hands, the control of physical forces which heretofore only giants in intellect have wielded, and which your fore fathers regarded with superstitious awe. Electricity, ex plosive gases, poisonous compounds, the waste materials from nature’s laboratory, the earths, the metals, coal, you are to use them as though stowed away for your special benefit. Phoebus hands over to you, his Phaethon off spring without a protest, the reins of his fiery sun-steeds. You are on the way to gather up again and re-confine the evils that escaped from Pandora’s box. You are to see the nations assemble again in the Mesopotamian valle\' and finish the tower of Babel under holier auspices. You have an interpretation of this sacred Book which has broken down national, racial, all partisan barriers, and extended its jurisdiction over the world. Under sanction of this Book’s enlightening influences no American need