The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 01, 1898, Image 15

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•come difficulties which younger and less experienced stu
dents could not have mastered; and today you stand forth as
twenty-three young heroes who have reached the first round
■on the ladder of fame. Education has broadened your intel
lects, and your future characters have been largely moulded
by its ennobling influences. “Tell me, thou chronicler of
the time,” what of education? It is altogether the loftiesl
and most blessed privilege ever given to mankind.
Your time for preparation is over; the opportunities
which you have neglected are forever lost; the time for action
has come. Proudly do we send you forth to meet an expec
tant world. Today the flag of our country floats in the midst
•of a terrible struggle and your country calls you to her aid.
We would gladly give you advice, but realizing our own
weakness we can only follow you with our hopes and prayers,
pointing out to you as an exemplar that chivalric soldier and
educator, the light of whose life will forever shine. 0, great
and glorious Ross! “We have laid for a season thy remains
to rest, casting back those thoughts that called thee dead.”
Take him as your guide, and obedience to duty as your motto
and the God of this universe will crown with success your
every effort.
Fellow Classmates: With the departure of our senior
brothers a great responsibility falls upon our shoulders.
’Our next year’s journey will be one of trials and temptations;
but let us press bravely on remembering that no man is wor
thy of honor or success until he has been truly tested,
Again, senior brothers, do we bid you a last farewell,
and if we never meet again here upon this earth may we
meet again in that bright hereafter.