6 THE BATTALION. Mrs. L. S. Ross, Care Tom Padgitt: State Headquarters. Texas Division, U. C. V., Gonzales Texas.— The sad intelligence of the death of your distin guished husband has just reached me, and personally and as representing that gallant body of brave men who shared with him the glories and privations of the Lost Cause, I tender you that sympathy which can not be put in words. May the hallowed memories of his noble life be a solace in this try ing hour. N. B. Sayers, Maj. Gen. Com. ihe Texas Division C. C. V. A Fitting- Remembrance. McKinney, Texas, January 4.—Throckmorton camp No. 109, United Confederate Veterans, assembled in a called meeting this afternoon to take action expressive of the sorrow felt by its members at the sudden death of Governor L. S. Ross. Capt. \V. A. Rhea was chairman and Col. G. M. Pear son secretary. Eulogistic speeches were made of the illus trious dead Confederate by General T. M. Scott, Col. Aaron Coffey, Comrades D. \V. O’Brien, L. H. Graves, R. C. White. Rangers Notified. Austin, Texas, January 5.—At a meeting of the Texas Ranger Battalion, held this afternoon, resolutions were pass ed expressive of the sentiments of the Rangers with regard to the death of their beloved comrade, L. S. Ross. A gen eral order was issued formally publishing the mournful event to his comrades and instructing the adjutant of the Battalion to set apart a page in his record book suitably inscribed to the memory of the deceased and to forward an engrossed copy of the order to his surviving family.