JOHN M. CALDWELL, Agent, ^ —-DEALER IN Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware. BRYAN, - - TEXAS. yV All Kinds of Eye Glasses. Repairing- done on short notice and guaranteed A. T. CLARK, BARBER ^ ^ ^ ^ First-class Shave and Hair Cut To Cadets only: Haircut, - - 25 cents. Shave, - - - • JO “ |||ggES a 'Prompt work and courteous attention OYSTERS. Large BERWICK BAY—Fried, J3 for 25 ceots; stews 25 cts. Cadets . I have the only OYSTER RARL.OR in the city especially fitted up for your accommodation (up stairs), Light, Cozy, Clean, ’where you can be served in first, cl ass style and get what you want Oysters, fish, ham and eggs, steak, coffee, tea. milk, etc A select line of candies, fruits, nuts, cigars, soda water and other mild beverages always on baud. Your patronage so licited. Respectfully, G. C. ^p^SOI^S, - Buryat?, Texas. (|1 Is Headquarters for Toilet Articles, ' v (|f Stationery, Fine Perfumery, Etc. A cordial invitation is extended to all Cadets to call while in the city. 'You will he treated nicely. ^BRYAN KANDY KITCHEN-^ ....Fine Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Cigars, Etc.... THE NICEST 0YSTER~“PARL0R IN THE CITY. Oysters in all styles and everything first-class,