P 1 1 22 THE BATTALION. EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT. KERR, EDITOR. The exchanges that we have received this month are un usually good. Special mention might be made of the Pur due Exponent, The Reveille, The Tattler and The Weather ford Collegian. The Purdue Exponent is a neat little magazine; in it is an article containing much sound sense, entitled “Plea for True Aristocracy.” The Reveille comes as usual, as a neat little journal full of good things. In the literary department is found an ex cellent essay on “The Value ot History.” The Reveille is one of our best exchanges. The Tattler theorizes as to the cause of the blue color of the sky. The Weatherford Collegian contains a story of “My Grandmothers School Days.” The editor-in-chief of the Collegian offers a prize for the best article. In the Commencement number of the Add-Ran Collegian is a splendid article by J. J. Hart on “The Westward March of Democracy.” It is written in an oratorical style and is of real merit. On the whole the paper is a very neat monthly. The Anchor of Hope College, Mich., discusses “Anthro pomorphism” and gives a sketch of the poet Whittier. The Academy Monthly of the Germantown Academy is an excellent journal. We also acknowledge receipt of The Daniel Baker Col legian, The Aquiras, The Lake Breeze and Mt. St. Mary’s Record.