32 THE BATTALION. and greed upon which the vessel went to pieces. Earthly creations endure not forever, created beings and their depen dences seek the dust from which they sprung, and this grand republic fashioned by created man must follow in the train of the great minds that conceived it. The signs of the times point to its final dissolution, the herald of events has already cast his shadow before. In ihe near future I think you look in vain toward the starry heavens for a glimpse of the bird of freedom. With pinioned wings and in bondage you’ll behold him chanting a requiem over the remnants of departed liberty and the tattered folds of the emblem of a nations greatness you’ll behold, o’er hanging as a pall over the grave, wherein the shattered Goddess reposes, until the day break unto and the shadows flee. GrOV. Iw. S. KTOSS.