The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 01, 1897, Image 30
28 jl'HE BATTALION. Wanted.—A good detctive to find Temp’s Moustache. AVhy does Rountree smile so when reciting in tactics. Bretscheneider returned home for several days this month. Scherer is contemplating having a good barber work on his teeth. Williams A to Couch E are you a member of the Ethiopian Society. A certain gentleman in Navasota calls Yarbrough E. Sonney. Neely wants to know what kind of pump is used in making a switch. Richter says Newton was elected chairman of the declina tion committee. Mr. Tracy returned to College several days ago from home where he has been sick. Abrams has adopted the method of saving paper by writing on the soles of his shoes. The approach of commencement seems to have a very startling effect on Abrams. Messrs. Robson and Keller are getting in practice for next session. Hep-Hep, etc. Stalworth while reciting in English, said Miltons best work was Pilgrims Progress. Law w T ants to know the difference between a commissioned and non-commissioned nrivate. Several seniors will stand examination in a new branch of literature not in the curricula. Mrs. E. J. Conper of Minneopolis, Minn., visited Mrs. Soule for a few days this month. George Cavin wants to know if it was not William Penn who shot the apple off his son’s head. Mr. J. C. McNeil of Brazoria, spent a few days at the Col lege this month visiting his son, Jourdon.