The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 01, 1897, Image 5
The Battalion. Entered at the College Station Poetoflice as Second Class Mail Matter. Published Monthly by the Austin and Calliopean Literary Societies of the A. & M. Durham, Rollins, Rawlins, McCarthy. Literary Department, Rollins, Rawlins. Editorial Department, C. C. Todd. Y. M. C. A. Department, B. F. Bryan. Local Department, McCarthy. Subscription price $1.00 per Annum. Advertising rates upon application. Vqi~ 4 }- COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, MARCH, 1897. ^ No. & An essay on the plays or characters of Shakespeare must generally take the form either of a critique or panegyric. As for the former, considering the great, arrogant and puissant hosts that have gone before me, it would seem as if there times wonder if one man ought to criticize the actions of an other. To some at least it may seem incongruous for one erring being to judge the actions of anotner. But we are giv en reason which ought to imply a right of judgment, then it may be more seeming for man to sit as a puny court of one, in continuous session and pass judgment upon all worldly ac tions letting the Lord Almighty judge the whole. A second thought makes me think it a part of the Divine plan, a fac tor in human progress that these competitive judgments should be formed, collected and jostled, until like a package College. A. J. Kyle, Business Manager. assistants: W. C. MARTIN C. P. ROGERS. C. C. Todd, Editor-in-Chief. assistants : Exchange Department, Durham. Alumni Department, Prof. A. L. Banks. l^oirjeo ai)ct Juliette. could be no stone of criticism left for me unturned. I some-