The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 01, 1897, Image 36
Cole Bros., - ^ BUY eOOBS, OJLBTH- ^ ING BKBSS GOOD, FINE SHOES for Cadet Trade Just Received. Come and see before you buy. CALL ON WHO RUNS The Only First-Class Shop la town. College Trade Solicited. The best Workmen employed. J. F. parks, Leading Liveryman & Undertaker, Appreciate your Trade and gives First-Class service in everything. A. B. OAR R. J r.,K- DEALEK IN * Hariware, '.Guns, Pistols, Fine Cnlterj anJ Crocterf. ^ B^^Give me a call. ^ re a pleasure and a desirable in- vestment. I guarantee all my JT iTOtOgiPClJTlTS work, and it is unchangepble and artistic. All are invited to call at my Studio. Prompt and courteous attention to all. J. A. Dahlgren, Bryan.Texas