The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 01, 1897, Image 23

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this opinion degrade themselves. Such mercenary worship
ers at the shrine of wisdom are like the money changers in a
sacred temple. True wisdom neither sanction their traffic
nor their currency. Knowledge sought with such motives
will never reveal itself in its depth and grandeur. The glory
of Rome had departed before her imperial purple was bar
tered for gold.
What enobles the intellect confers a distinction which gold
can never purchase. The learned Erasmus maintained this
theory when he gave as a reason for refusing a lucrative
office, “I will not be hindered from prosecuting my studies
for all of the gold in the world.”
Considering knowledge, therefore, as an inalienable pos
session which scorns to be bartered for gold let us trace its
effect upon the intellect. It imparts strength and dignity,
that while it enriches the casket it enlarges its capacity.
It gives ability to weigh, compare, decide, and a mind ac
customed to such labors expands and consolidates its powers
as a frame inured to heathful exercise becomes vigorous and
elastic. In cases of doubt or difficulty, collecting the concen
trated experience of past ages, it comes forth to counsel the
This property recommends it ’peculiarly to the young. A
time must come when the voice of the interested counselor
will be silent; when the student must pass from under the
guidance of tutors to the toils and responsibilities of life.
Then it will often be necessary to decide without advice, and ■
to act without precedent. Judgment, laying aside all lead
ing strings, must dare the steep and slippery ascent alone,
meeting with firmness and decision the buffet and the blast.
Then the stores of a well balanced, well turnished mind will
be put in requisition and the mistakes of ignorance and vanity
be avoided.
Knowledge is like a tree that grows and spreads during
youth, blossoms in early manhood, but whose well ripened
fruit is for the autumn of life. Severe and tireless applica-