33 THE BATTALION. Make a note of this, and if you intend to be present, write to Mr. F. E. Giiesecke, at College, by May 20, and enclose postoffice order for two dollars, the amount of the banquet fee. o We take pleasure in calling special attention to the excerpt from an address by Dr. Bittle, printed elsewhere in this maga zine. No thoughtful person can read it, without deriving both pleasure and profit therefrom, while it will prove especially in teresting to those who care to have a proper conception of the great work being done at this college in the cause of education. o Strenuous efforts are being put forth, at no little cost, to ob tain the correct addresses of all who have at any time attended the A. & M. college. Through the courtesy of the college literary societies, this issue of The Battalion was placed at the disposal of the Alphl Phi fraternity, and two thousand copies have been published and distributed in this effort to locate ex-students and to in form them of our plans. All ex-cadets to whose notice this may come are invited to fill out blank application for member ship, published on last page, and send to the fraternity adju tant, Mr. E. W. Hutchinson of Houston, Texas. If you are not inclined to join the fraternity, at least ac knowledge receipt of this copy of The Battalion, and in doing so, inform us of your correct address. A complete list of the names of all who have at any time at tended this college, has been carefully compiled from the col lege records, and correct addresses will be added as rapidly as possible. The man who has no love for his Alma Mater, and who has no desire to renew the associations of student days, must be classed as an abnormal creature—unless he was a disreputable character and left in bad odor. The day has come when the Alumni and ex-students of this college, by united effort, may prove powerful factors in pro moting the increased usefulness and greater prosperity of this institution. The Alumni association and the Alpha Phi fra ternity are now thoroughly organized and are rapidly growing