The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 01, 1896, Image 16
14 THE BATTALION. liiterapy Societies. Our college is an institution for the promotion of the agri cultural and mechanical arts, this being the case, it is not sur prising that our literary societies should languish for want of proper interest. Should this be the case? We should say no. A farmer or mechanic needs literary education and receives much of it at this place. It is just as essential to eminent success as a knowledge of the simplest rules of his trade or profession. A well read man, an educated man, (and every man ought to be so) should possess abundant literary knowl edge, abundant literary spirit. We have here two societies of the boys, societies for the promotion of the literary spirit, to these societies the Battolion owes its existence, yet, we venture to say that there are boys that have been here a year or more and never visited their halls. Now we claim that there ought to be a larger patron age a greater showing of interest than heretofore. Two hun dred boys ought to furnish two good literary societies, yet in both we have an active membership of hardly a dozen. Come along boys and help us out. If we are not interesting it is your duty to help us make it interesting. You say you have no literary talent, you cannot do anything. We say you can if you will try, we repeat, “Nothing is impossible beneath the sky, Man only fails when he fails to try.” If you are deficient in any of your mental facilities, it is your positive duty to cultivate them, to try and bring them toward perfection, in other words to be as near as possible the perfect man. Now boys this year we want a large active membership, hands that are willing to do something, and there is nothing to hinder us from having two of the best literary societies ever at College Station. Bo}^ bring along your article literary, scientific, or humor ous. While we can’t promise to publish everything, we prom ise to give everything a careful consideration and publish all we can which must necessarily be the best.