The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 01, 1896, Image 12

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you may help to mould public opinion and help to shape the
destinies of your fellow-men. But however self reliant,,
there will be hours of trial and disappointment, times when;
your hopes and inspirations will be defeated. When you meet
with the grief and disappointments so sure to confront you,,
do not grow despondent, and throwing down your burdens
seek refuge in idleness and inactivity. In spite of discour
agements ever let perseverance and purity be the laws of
your life.
Very much lies in the beginning of one’s career as is shown,
by the frequency with which we have occasion to question
the wisdom of some one in the selection of a profession or a
pursuit. A glance about you will but confirm the truthful
ness of the statement. We see men whose lives have been
blasted by disappointed hope or ambition ; men who have
been allured into a profession by the false notion that it will
dignify and ennoble, and who after accomplishing nothing,
find that they are not adapted to the profession, and realize
that they are doomed to hopeless inferiority.
With such a;e possibilities spread before us we should,
escape such a fate. Follow your own inclinations and tastes,,
and in choosing a career, be alive to the fact that no calling,
can elevate you, but }mu must elevate your calling and your
self with it. We are now enjoying advantages never before
offered young men, therefore much is expected of us. If we-
but master the problems of this generation there will follow
an era of steady progress in every variety of active enter
prise, in useful industries and business interests which con
stitute the most vital elements that figure in the estimates
of a great and enlightened people. In conclusion I beseech
you to remember the words of King Arthur in Tennyson
“To lead sweet lives in purest chastity ;
To love one maiden only, cleave to her
And worship her hy years of noble deeds
Until you win her; for indeed I know
Of no more subtle master under heaven
Thau is the maiden passion for a maid
Not only to koep down the base in man
But teach high thoughts and aniiablo words,
And courtliness, and desire of fame,
And love of truth, and all that makes a man.”