TUE BATTALION Foutrell. To be Corporals—Campbell, N4Wt), Bowen, Rogers C.. Barnes S., Charleswortli, Ehrhardt, Winston, Vqr- '-i^roTt^-^n, Mui^ree L., r rHoxupsatw-Cr-rtso, ^o.ld r McCarthy; '^Ttreeny'Astin. UjisoHj Sa^mge, Sellars. Melgaard B., Melgaard A. The business meeting of the Alumni Association was held at 2 ]). m. June 8th in the Austin Society hall. The at tendance was large and the sentiment of the whole body was heartily and unanimously in favor of any measures that were calculated to advance the interests of the college and of the association. The meeting was presided over by the President, B. C. Pittuck, ’94, with F. E. Geiseeke, Secretary. Immediately* after the reading and adoption of the min utes of the previous year’s meeting, it was moved that the regular order of business be suspended and that the associa tion proceed to the consideration of a new constitution to take the place of the old one, which had long proved un satisfactory and inadequate to the needs of the association, as it existed only in tradition. In addition, as Professor Tilson stated later, nearly all of the amendments to the old constitution had been destroyed by fire, making some action necessary. Professor P. S. Tilson, as the representative of the resident members of the association, presented to the Association for considration a constitution which they had prepared with great care some months ago. This constitu tion was read and proved so satisfactory that it. was adopted as a whole and without debate. Mr. A. M. Ferguson xaesented a resolution to organize a bureau to be managed by the Alumni Association for the purpose of aiding graduates of this college in securing situa tions and* advancement in their chosen professions. This was adopted and bids fair to be a marked success. By order of EXE UT. BARTLETT. I. L. Gold berg. First Lieutenant and Adjutant. A I.UM X I THE BUSINESS MEETING.