22 THE BATTALION. she may brighten the Lone Star and keep her the richest gem among the jewels of the nation. I should feel my task wholly unfinished were I to forget a tender farewell to the ladies of the campus, whose kind attention and bright smiles have ever stimulated us to honest effort. Our Texas women are the noblest, the purest and most refined. Their winning ways make us what we are,—incite us to efforts for which we would of ourselves lack energy. To you we bid farewell and the memory of 3 r ou and your connection with our college days will be a burnished golden link in memories chain. Class-mates:—In the fullness of my heart I can scarcely give expression to the emotion which now possess me. If any feelings have been engendered in the past which would mar the clear page of pleasant recollections, 1 would erase them all and substitute lines of mutually hopeful significance. Today our ways separate and the goals for which we strive will be various, though the rough world may buffet us alike yet discipline and loyalty and determination will in the end lead us victorious and guide us amidst the slippery paths of our different avocations. We have answered to the last call to cadet duties and henceforth must answer the trumpet call to service in. the regular army of life. New distinctions to win, new watches to keep, new lessons to learn. Let us guard well the post as signed us, where duty shall be the countersign. Many seem ingly well founded nations have fallen. We have the noble task upon our hands to be preservers and cultivators of the true principle from which spring the life and well-being of the commonwealth, that is practical industry. We start out across the land of opportunity with the strength of flush young men, hard in blood and muscle, with the fiery impulses of youthful ambition. The flattering en couragement of beautiful sponsors, the gloomy passes of dis couragement made bright by college success About us figuratively and really are the pleasant rippling murmur of running brooks; the praise-giving notes of beautiful songbirds,