The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 01, 1896, Image 1
1 L 4- K ?_ T b \!. v\r.- % 3u , v\'e. The Battalion. Entered at the College Station Postoffiee as Second Class Mail Matter. Published Monthly by the Austin and Calliopean Literary Societies of the Texas A. & M. College. H. C. KYLE AUSTIN J. L. Goldberg H. M. Rollins, ASSISTANTS : W. A. Harrison Editor-in-Chief CALLIOPEAN W. W. Greenwood - H. E. Rawlins. E. W. KERR, C. L. SCHERER ASSISTANTS Business Mg’r. A. J. KYLE Literary Department Editorial Department Exchange Department Alumni Department Y. M. C. A. Department Local Department W. W. Greenwood, W. A. Harrison H. C. Kyle, Editor H, E Rawlins, Editor - A. M. Furguson, Edttor K. R. Hooper, Editor I. L. Goldberg and H. M. Rollins, Editors. Advertisements solicited. For rates, see advertising columns. Su icriptien price, $1 per annum in advance. Voi, 3 ^ COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, JUNE, 1896. -I No. 8. LITERARY. The Safety of oup l^epublie. BY A. M. HILDEBRANDT. When we contemplate the history of our government, and behold the wonderful and rapid growth of its nation, its sound institutions, the wonderful thrift and enterprise of its people, and the demonstrated superiority of its free govern ment, its peaceful condition at home as well as abroad, since it has no national wrongs to redress, being on good terms with the entire world, having no thought of a national con flict, when we think of all this is it to be wondered at if we surrender ourselves to its glorious aspect and become heedless