THE BATTALION 17 K. R. Ho6per, Editor. sfliiUTAToi^y. Witli this issue of the Battalion is conceived a new de partment, which begs to claim a portion of your time while perusing the pages of our College journal. This department has heretofore been neglected, but it was unanimously deter mined at the last meeting of the Association to have the Y. M. C. A. represented in our College paper. It is only right that our Association should have such recognition. It may serve to strengthen it among our fellow students at this Col lege, and it will at least serve to advertise to the outside world that the grand old A. and M. C. is not neglectful of her relig ious interests, but, on the contrary, gives it equal prominence with her educational interests. It is to be honed that both of these laudable objects will be successfully attained. It was further resolved, over the dissenting vote of the writer, that he should act as editor, but last and not least ( and these words should be underscored ) all of the members were constituted reporters, and should each individual consider it his duty to contribute some item or items occasionally, I wish to impress upon the members the necessity of hearty co-operation, the more news we have to publish, the brighter and more interesting our department will be. The editor makes no pretention to literary talents or ability, on the contrary he is certain there are other members of the Association who could fill the position much more cred itably, but since he is compelled to wield i he editorial quill, he will do his best in his humble efforts to make a success of this department and trusts he will have the earnest and com bined assistance of “the reporters.” All papers caring to exchange with us will be more than welcome to our sanctum, and any articles we see fit to cull from your columns for reproduction in our department will