THE BATTALION. COLLEGE DRAMATIC CLUB. Prof. W. B. Philpott - - General Mg’r. H. F. McDonald - - Stage Manager. F. M. Law, Jr. - - - - Treasurer P. P. Mills - - - Secretary G. T. Littlefield - - Property Mg’r COLLEGE ORCHESTRA. R. L. Dinwiddie Pres, and Mg’r M. M. McMillan Vice President John Gurley Musical Direc. COLLEGE MANDOLIN CLUB. F. M. Law, Jr., General Manager 8. L. Cahn Director and L’dr RED HEADED CLUB. L. N. Snow . President A. U. Smith Vice-Pres McCord - - - Recording Sec’y D. Moore - - - Treasurer FOOTBALL CLCB. A. P. Watts ... - Captain M. W. Sims, Jr, - - - A’sstCapt W. S. Massenberg - - Business M’gr Divine Worship. Eev. T. C. Bittle . - - Chaplain. Services, Sunday morning and evening. Chapel every morning at 7: 45. Young men’s Christian Association. Devotional exercises Sunday afternoon Gymnasium open every afternoon ex cept Sunday. Sunday School. Kev. T. C. Bittle - - Superintendent. Meets Sunday morning at 10: 30. In a few more days the corps will go into winter-quarters ; then good-bye to long, tire some drill for a few month’s at least. It is so fine to be able to makeup a good file in your room, take a good book, and spend an afternoon in reading it. It is during this term that we really have any time that we may call our own and the boys are not slow to appreciate it. Foot Ball Game. The Sand Crabs, in their blue and yellow hose, Thought they could/beat us if they chose; ^ They played a pretty game, But we won it just the same, And how jubilant we are nobody knows. They said at first ’twas weight that made it seem As if the College had the better team— But Valdez and Sims and Lane And McDonald made it plain That our boys could run as well as tip the beam. The papers seemed to think Grempczynski’s name Alone would be enough to win the game; That Krug would be surprised, Terror stricken, paralyzed, By the consonants and vowels of the same. But its hard to give the college boys a scare— (They say its owing to the Mess Hall fare) )fk/ Andj-Snapperback” Exhibited no lack Of pluck and strengeh and will to do and dare. When our plucky right-half got his ankle [bruised, And the cry was for Pond’s extract to be used, Or when Perkins, faint and white Lay there bleeding, ’twas a sight To shudder at, but how the boys enthused. When rising from the dust and crowd and dirt, As fresh as if they’d.neter ( ;been hurt, Those brave fellows formed in line, And I tell you, it was fine When Valdez, still limping, made that last [great spurt. On last Saturday night the Austin had a business meeting for the purpose of electing officers for the next (winter) term. The fol v^. ». wi/xvxiio, ^aaoio , in. iv±civiliian, record- ing secretary; H. Clark, censor; G. T. Lit tlefield, financial secretary ; Abe Gross, cor responding secretary ; Bryan, librarian ; D in- widdie, sergeant-at-arms. The editorial staff of the Battalion as elect ed last week by the two societies, are as fol lows: A. H. Fitzgerald, class’95, Caliopean, Editor-in-chief; associate editors: B. C. Watkins and F. H. Perkins, Austin; W. A. Miley and W. A. Pelk, Calliopean. Our coll?ge band is improving daily under the able and efficient management of Leader Jenkins, and we think there are few amateur bands in the state that can furnish as good music as does ours.