18 THE BATTALION. WEBB BROS. Cairy the un st Complete line of < » «Mi J ’ ITuriiisitliisjgr Oootls in the City. Alake a Specialty of Men’s Shoes. DWELL, Presic deni Guv M. Bryan, Jr., Vice President. First National Bank, BRYAN, TEXAS. Fiscal Agents A. & M. College.. Csij^ital, i$100,000. ^OjOOO- BanKingin all its branches. Will appreciate your accounts and treat y->u as liberally as '-onservative banking will allow. Our bank vault and safe are both fire amt burglar proof. H. O. Boatwright, Cashier. L. L. McInnis, Ass’t Cashier,.. GEO. W. NORRELL, Druggist, BRYAN, .... TEXAS JOHN : WITTMA.N, Bryan, . . . Texas. the place to have your IPresoriptions P’illed. ders. LETS, Box paper City. tc of WRITING T A fi nd Envelopes in the Fashionable Suits, Cadet and Military Uniforms made on short notice. A good fit guaranteed. fomijteiirj '1 ©riijgflfiirst Keep a Full Lino of Drngs, TPooks, Sta tionery, Etc., AND - [NVITE - YOU - TO - CALL. Books and Stationery, (Next door to John Wittman) . the ONLY iirst-class —Oystef P&flof in the City. MEALS AT ALL HOURS,. IParine, the latest Confection, Only 5 cents a G:ass. Headquarters fett Pftiits and Fine Confections. Cadet Headquarters FOR PERFUMES, TOILET AR TICLES. SOAPS. FINE PAPER AND ENVELOPES. Piesoiiptions Carefully Compounded, General School Supplies. Pocket Cut lery, Tobaccos and Cigars. Ofi clots’ Tr-acle Solicited. gggs”' Po-loffice Building, BRYAN, .... TEXAS. AT JanT^ & Wippr@d|Fs, EAT OEA-CEEIIVE .