The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 01, 1894, Image 15

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themselves and to the society. The tri
bunal consisting of Hon. John IT. Car
ter, Sergeant Wm. Finley and Mr. Dan
Cushing, decided two in favor of the
Messrs. John Cushing and Ross, F.,
were appointed query committee.
After receiving the officers and com
mittee reports, the society adjourned.
A. M. Todd, A. Bittle,
Recording Sec’y. President.
College TltHleties.
With the return of our many cadets
from their Christmas frolic and fun, also
re-enter renewed vigor and interest in
all out of door sports. And to our new
cadet friends the members of all athletic
fraternitys extend their cordial, aye,
earnest invitation to become one of them,
and to the old members of the foot ball
and other athletic organizations, we espe
cially urge to forward the interest of
their respective organizations as much
as circumstances will permit.
Foot ball at the A. and M. C. is surely
the coming game judging from indica
tions of xhe present. Two years ago
comparatively no interest was manifest
in the “scrappy” game at all. Only last
year was the game fully introduced into
this college and has met with marked
approval throughout, not to say that
football has no faults. Foot ball of
late years has become a dangerous sport.
I see that Camp states that before next
season some change will be necessarily
made in the rules to suppress the exces
sive use of the wedge play.
It is obvious that these new plays am
spoiling the game in many respeote.
They make it less scientific and in many
cases degenerate it into a brutal exhibi-
tion. In these “wedge” plays the game
is ruined, not only for the players
but even more for the spectators,
in that the fine points of the
game are less easily observed.
Interference and “wedge” ideas have
been wonderful additions to foot ball,
but obviously are not in adjustment, the
change should be accompanied by a rule
compelling the side having possession of
the ball to gain ten yards in four downs.
But I think the plain “association”
rules should be enough to suffice the
cravings of an A. & M. C. player. Ta
ken as a whole, the “ Rugby” game is
more or less brutal, notwithstanding the
act that it is practiced and approved -of
in our leading institutions of learning,
and also by upright statesmen who, from
a true or mistaken notion, uphold it as
the prince of athletics. On the 16th of
December last, the members of our Col
lege team had their photograph taken,
which is admitted by all to be a hand
some and hardy aphearing “set.” The
lads loomed up in respective positions as
'Charlie OrltorfF, right end;
A-Milt Sims, Right tackle;
^Dick Peden, right guard;
^7Frank Houston, center;
jTI. Coulter, left guard;
aA. Watts, left tackle;
iMassenburg, full-back:
sAlf Bloor, left end;
'i Billie Matthews, quarter-back;
' Harvey Morse, left-half;
1 Harry Martin, right-half;
A. W. Bittle, referee;
T. O. Ellis, umpire.
On the night of the loth, Miss Ada
Lee Polk, assisted by her guest, Miss