The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 01, 1894, Image 13
THE BATTALION. his old home near Marion, and returned to duty on the 28th. The hoys in the office of the bridges and building department of the Southern Pacific have noticed that for the last two days that H. F. Jonas, the jovial draughtsman has had an expression on lit his face and a way of moving around that- is altogether different from his usual manner. Investigation showed the cause- to be a big bouncing boy who put in an appearance at his household on New Year’s day.—Houston Post. T.ooAT; i>i :i>airrM i<]N' r r. College Dramatic Clod Prof. W. B. Philpott - - Manager. Frank Ross See. and Treas. A. Gross - - Property Manager. Fat Man’s Club. Dan Qushing - - - President. I. S. Goldberg - - - Secretary. Divine Worship. Rev. W. S. Red - - - Chaplain. Services, Sunday morning and evening. Chapel every morning at 7 : 45. Sunday School. Rev. T. O. Bittle - - Superintendent. Meets Sunday morning at 10: 30. Young Men’s Christian Association. A. M.Todd - - - President. T. W. Merrvweather - - Secretary. •Devotional exercises Sunday afternoon. Gymnasium open' every afcerno >n ex cept Sunday. Austin Literary Society. E. C. Jonas . - - President. E. G. Abbott - - - Vice-Pres. A. Gloss - . Recording Sec. A. M. Ferguson - - Cor. Sec. A. W. Watkins - - - Financial Sec. P. P. Mills - - Treasurer. R. Fowler - - - Censor. K. C. Pittuck - - S’gt. at Arms. F. N. Houston - - - Librarian. Calliopsan Literary Society. E. L. Bruce . - . President. A. W. Bittle - - Vice-President. W. M. Massenberg - - Secretary. A. W. Polk - - - Cor. Secretary. A. IT. Fitzgerald - - Treasurer J. Gilbert - - - - Librarian. H. Spee'- ----- Critic. R. H. Mayes - - - Censor. J. W. Leary - - - S’gt. at Arms. Society Fleeting. Austin Society Haul. Dec. 16. This being the last meeting of the society before the holidays quite a large crowd of members and visitors assem bled in the hall long before the society was called to order by the president. The secretary called the roll, and con trary to all preceeding roll calls, marked only a small number of members absent. The regular order of business was then taken up and Mr. G. Abbott was installed as vice-president of the Austin society, an office which Mr. Abbott is no doubt capable of filling to the satisfac tion of all. There were also several new members Initiated, but being unable to obtain their names, am compelled to leave them out. The most interesting part of the pro ceedings was now taken up, that of the program, which was excellently gotten up and filled to the satisfaction and pleasure of all present. The first man on the program was Mr. Coulter, who read an interesting piece entitled “Age of Queen Victo ria.” This being Mr. Coulter’s first ap pearance before the society, he fully proved himself equal to the occasion. The next man on the program, Mr. Law, read an excellent paper on the