The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 01, 1893, Image 21
ME BATfALIOtf. STATE ricultural - and - ^Mechanical ' (College —OF TEXAS. =S% The Seventeenth Annual Session opened SEPTEMBER 6, 1893. Gives a thorough Scientific and Practical Education, with Theo retical and Practical courses in Dairying, Stock Breeding, Agri culture, Horticulture, Surveying, Mechanical and Scientific Engineering, Chemistry, Veterinary Science, Drawing, English and Modern Languages. Extensive Additions to DORMITORY" and equipment of Departments; Stand-pipe, Ice Plant, Laundry and Electric Light Plant, Making the College Complete in every detail. dNTo Tuition, and No Charge for Text Books, Except Languages and Military Science. Expenses for entire Session, except for Clothing, $140.00. Send for Catalogue. J. N. Cole, J. P. Burrougii, > - President. ■ Cashier. H. R. Hearne, A. D. McConnico, Vice President. Ass’t Cashier. JVfencFiant? and planters Rational Bank BRYAN, TEXAS. CAPIT A.L, ... - $100,000 Surplu. and Profits . - - 12.000 A General Banking Busines; Transacted. DEAN & HSARN, Eclipse Stable. Nice Bugt ies, Stylish Trams and Moderate Prices. Exchange Hotel, BRYAN, TEXAS. J. S. Mooring, . . Proprietor. ColSegs SoiiveiflJ' Spools at JV]c4\enzie (Jo.’s, TEHH JEWELERS. BRYAN, TEXAS. EE. IS'ICBEOLSON, . . . For Fruits, Candies, Nuts, Cigars, Cigarettes, and All kinds Confections. Boys, Visit my OYSTER ByAREOR while in town. Oysters served in any style, at 25c per dozen.