The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 01, 1893, Image 20
is THE BATTALION. WEBB BROS. Carry the most Complete line of CjrOiil^’ in Ooocl» in the City. Make a Sp®cia 1 ty of AIen’s Shoes. GEO. W. NORRELL, Druggist, BRYAN, .... TEXAS J. W. Howell, H. 0. Boatwright, President. Cashier. Guy M. Bryan, Jr., L. L. McInnis, Vice President. Ass’t Cashier. First National Bank, BRYAN, TEXAS. Fiscal Agents A. & M. Collbge. Oapital, #100,000. SSui’pliis, 20,000. Banking in ail its branches. Will appreciate your accounts and treat you as liberally as "onservative banking will allow. Our bank vault and safe are both tire and burglar proof. JOHN : WITTMAN, Jiefcbitjt X^ilor, Bblyan. . . . Texas. the x-lace to have your ^Prescriptions P'illed. An elegant line of TOILET ARTICLES, Perfumery, Toilet Soap and Tooth Pow ders. The finest line of WRITING TAB LETS, Box paper and Envelopes in the City. fouittaiif •& fMifglprgt Keep a Full Line of Drugs Books, Sta tionery, Etc., AND - INVITE - YOU - TO - CALL. flyers & DEALERS IN — —and Stationery, General School Supplies, Pocket Cut lery, Tobaccos and Cigars. O a a e t» ’ Trade Solicited. Pos: office Building, BRYAN, .... TEXAS. . Fashionable Suits, Cadet and Military Uniforms made on short notice. A good fit guaranteed. Ji. Elndeti ? .^~} (Next door to John Wittman) the ONLY first-class f ^-Oyster J>*fIof in the City. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. I* it ri ne, the latest Confection, Only 5 cents a Glass. Headquarters for Fruits and Fine Confections. Cadet Headquarter^ FOR PERFUMES, TOILF/ AR TICLES, SOAPS, FINE P PER AND ENVELOPES. Prescriptions Carefully Com] unded, at Jamies & Wippre djt 9 *. EAT OLAOERIINE.