The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 01, 1893, Image 18

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We adnoire the pluck of itg editors iu publish
ing their paper among discouragements. From
- this, The Battalion’s first issue, we predict a
far better career than its predecessor, the
Journal, had.—The Keveille.
tyfany thanks. We are making a strong
effort in the direction intimated.
We have just received the November num
ber cf “Alamo and San Jacinto Monthly.”
It opens with an excellent criticism of Wash
ington Irving. Mr. Fleeming has undoubted
ly carefully preserved the works of the “Father
of American Literature.” “Influence of En_
yironments,” “An Oration,” “The Divine in-,
History,” “An Unknown Southern Poet” are
well worth reading.
Bocaccio was thirty years of age when he
commenced his studies in light literature ; yet
he became one of the greatest masters of tbd
Tuscan dialect, Dante and Plutarch being the
other two.
Sir Henry Spellman neglected the sciences-
in his youth, but commenced the study of
them when he was between fifty and sixty
years of age. After this time he became a.
most learned antiquarian and lawver.