The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 01, 1893, Image 16

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    14 '
mas speeches given preference. Apply to Gee
How does Att smoke cigarettes?
And Dinwiddie delights in dancing.
• ; Mr, Orr, of Sandy Point, visited his son
Pringle last week.
Ed Steadman, our popular ex-cadet, visited
Lis old friends last week.
Terry sho’ loves candy. He makes it him-
self, so the guard list says.
Miss Duskie Walker was a guest of Mrs.
Ross last Saturday and Sunday.
" On account of rain and cold weather visitors
have been few since our last issue.
Cadet Ellis commenced taking daily ante-
reveille exercises Monday, Nov. 20th.
McMillan has had hard luck lately, a broken
guitar, broken fiddle bow, and is heartbroken.
Abe Gross has not been in good health at
all, since his little pet got away. Pair busted
Ask Smither where charcoal is found. He
told a professor that it was found in the
Miss Shanks, of Virginia, has been visiting
the home of Dr. and Mrs. Bittle for the past
two weeks.
The citizens of Greece would like to have a
change made in their costumes before going
further north.
»: *
Mr, Jack‘ : Roberts accompanied by Miss
Kate Parker, paid the College a flying visit
last Wednesday.
Misses Bessie Ross and Rita Sbisa returned
.from school last Saturday to spend Thanks
giving with their parents. "
Mrs. B. C. Morse, accompanied by her sister,
-returned from Michigan last month where she
, has been visiting her parents.
If any of the professors have locals, person
als or the like they wish published, we would
be glad if they would hand same in at the
Treasurer’s office. . :
During the weeks which the Dramatic
lub rehearsed to present the play ‘ < Ingomar ,,
to the public, there were quite a number of
Bryan’s most popunir young ladies and gentle
men out to visit us. Among the ladies who
took part in the play and were guests of
President and Mrs. L. S. Ross most of the
week, were Misses May Webb, M. Stella Shep
ard and Le.ssie McConnico. ’ “
;•• • c
We were pleased to have a visit from our
friend and a graduate H. A. Pearson on the
22nd ult. That’s rigut boys, stop off vvnen-
ever you can; we are always pleased to have
you with us. ; .
“Battallion attention! I am requested to an-
•• nounce that all those who wish to “dissipate”
in a game of foot ball will please make their
appearance on the campus at 3 o’clock.” The
above is quoted from the words of the Capt.
of D. Co. while in charge of Ballation.
One of the leading members of the Dra
matic Club wrote his father that'he was a
member of the “College Grammatic Club.”
and told the manager that the reason he did
not talk so loud was that he did not care to
“sprain his voice.”
Miss May Webb, assisted by the young
ladies of Bryan, entertained a party of her
cadet friends at her home one oveniug last
month. The features of the occasion were
delightful music, love-making, and in fact, all
delightful forms of pleasure. The bright
smiles and winning ways of the hostess made
the boys feei more than at home, and a happy
and enjoyable occasion was the necessarv
result. Refreshments were served and—er—
well served too. The hospitality of the
young ladies is greatly appreciated by the
College boys, and in after life we can look
back to these, our happiest and brightest
days. Those present were: Misses May
Webb, Alma Sheets. Duskie Walker, Lessie
McConnico, Ada Lee Polk, Fannie and Marie
McQueen, Messrs. Houston, Gilbert, Pittuck,
Ross F., Bittle A., Dazey, Abbott G., : Howell
and B; uce.
A Dt*eam.
Come to my arm, my darling.
Oh ! God, is it thus
That I have lost thee, forever?
Great Scott! it makes me cuss.