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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1893)
THE BATTALION. 12 i*ittuck being absent. Roll call found a large attendance. The program Was then taken up and the reader, essayist and declaimer being absent, Mr. Cook kindly ventured to fill the place of the declaimer. He declaimed a piece' en titled “The Parody on the Raven.’ 7 His delivery was perfect and he held his audience with the attention due a genius df that grand gift of elocutionary pow er. During this time the Calliopean society having adjourned, re-assembled in our hafl; and among them was one of Bryan’s most charming daughters, Miss Duskie Walker, whose smiling counte nance and pleasant looks lightened up our society hall exceedingly, and will state here that we thank this young lady for her presence and hope she will make us another visit soon. After our brothers of the other society Were seated the debate was begun. The subject was. Resolved that Gen. Hous ton did not exercise good judgment in giving Santa Anna his liberty. Mr. Mills came forward as champion of his, the affirmative side, and delivered an eloquent speech ; then came Mr. Gross, representing the negative side, and at his conclusion the debate seemed about a tie, but Mr. Fitzgerald volunteered, in behalf of the affirmative side, and when through with his little talk left the nega tive side in rather a critical condition, and but for the timely assistance of Mr. Furguson the negative would have suf fered defeat, but his burning eloquence and oratorical ability carried it through all dangers and finally won for it the laurels of victorv, as the tribunal decided two for negative and one for affirmative. After the programme was finished a motion was made that at our next meeting we have only a short business meeting and then adjourn in a body to the special public meeting of the Callio- ‘ pean society to be held in the Assembly Hall, which motion was carried and the B society adjourned. •j. The Dramatic Club. At the last meeting of the Club Misses McConnico, Webb, Shepard, Hutson, Lagrome, Mrs. Morse and Mr. John Wal dron were elected honorary members. Gov. and Mrs. L. S. Ross and Lieut. Morse have the most sincere thanks of the club for many courtesies extended, and the young ladies who assisted so pleasantly in the recent play completely won the hearts of all the college. The Club feels much gratified at its re cent success and ontemplates putting on another play early in ’94. Society JVIeeting. a November 25th bieng the night for the special public meeting of the Calli opean society, we assembled in our society hall merely to transact some important business and adjourn to tho meeting of the other societies. There fore President Pittuck called the society to order and after roll call Messrs. Coul ter H. and Kerr E. took the oath of allegiance and were accordingly declared members of the society. After this cer emony President Pittuck announced to the society that the object of the meet ing was for the purpose of electing new officers, and upon approval of the society the following officers were elected: C President, E, C. Jonas ; VicerPresi- dent, E. G. Abbott ; Recording Secre tary, A. Gross, (re-elected) ; Financial Secretary, Watkins ; Treasurer, R. P. Mills •; Censor, Mathews ; Critic, R. Fowler; Sergeant at Arms, B. C. Pit- ; Corresponding Secretary, A. M. Ferguson ; Librarian, F. Houston.