The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 01, 1893, Image 10
s THE B&TTALIOK. an hour for dinner. A cadet’s time for study is limited. Nearly all of the morning is taken up in reciting, and the afternoon is entirely taken up by prac tice and drill, so that almost his only time for study is at night. There are also a large number of military duties which, though necessary, curtail one’s time, but are overlooked by the pro fessors. The lower classes do not have so very much to do and some of their members go through with very little study, but this is not the case with the higher classes. The requirements for admission are very low and in attempt ing to bring the requirements for gradu ation up to a sufficiently high standard, and cover the ground necessary, the professors put too much work on the students. Moreover, those who have a taste for literature, history and other branches in which their course is de- iicient, have no time for outside reading or special study. The time between 5 and 6 o’clock is spent at drill. One would hardly think in looking at the squads or “fish” at the beginning of the year, that their awkward movements would be so toned down that within two months their company drill would be perfect. The change in the cadets them selves is indeed wonderful. Neverthe less a rainy day is always hailed with de light, and there is nothing that is so pleasing as “recall.” Supper comes about f> o’clock and between supper and study call there is a short interim which is the most enjoyable time of the day. Some in one room dancing, some in another listening to music, some walking around or paying a visit. It affords a pleas an relaxation that fits him better for study when study call is sounded at 7:30. Tattoo sounds at 0:45 and taps at 10 o’clock. He is not required to go to b&l at that time, but on account of the day’s work and the early rising he generally goes to sleep about that time. One by one the lights go out, and as the sad sweet notes of the beautiful taps come stealing softly through the still night air, let us hope that his sleep may be peace ful and that in his dreams there may come sweet visions of home and parents, friends and sweetheart. Nemo. The Present and Future. We live in the past by a knowledge of its history and in the future by a contem plation of its events. A few short years do not bound our existence nor does a definite spot of the earth’s surface mark our dwelling place. We are allied to our ancestors and allied to our posterity. The conquests of the past dazzle us with sdlendor and we are lost in the imagina tion of the future. We are proud of the attainments of the present and theorize upon the events of coming years. We collect and concentrate present indica tions to solve the difficult problems of the twentieth century. Our strides of advancement are imperceptible and their termination invisible. Our grand achievments suggest perfec tion, yet our destiny may be fatal. We live in an age of fashionable aristocracy, and the social world is drifting on in wild delusion. Wealth expended for pleasure exceeds the income for honest toil. The sparkle of diamonds and the' rustle of silks lead captive their wayward followers. Extravagance saps the foun dation of our social system and tramples under foot our fellow man. Avarice and and' luxury undermine our social and church government. Theaters and beer