The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 01, 1893, Image 9
l THE BATTALION, College Station Texas. For Periumes, Soaps, Toilet Ar- Fine Paper and Envelopes. Options care full y eom- bs & Wipprecht’s ED. rUCHOliSOIM^ For Frixiis, TSnts, Oig’a.i’s, Oig'tii*- ottes an«l all Ooafootioasj. Boys visit my neat Oyster Parlor while in town. Oysters served in any style at 25c per dozen. DEA|St 8t HEA^Ti sli^pse Sta/b! E BUGGIES, STYLISH TEAMS 'vNHRe AND MODERATE PRICI . ICRICULTURAL and MECHANICAL GOLLEGE. >15' TBX^S. I -><? c- -• The Seventeenth Annual Session Opened EB^EMBEIi 6, ^893 Give*; a thorough ?Tientino and Practical Education with Theorelicar and Practical Courses in I Wmmm ...^ CHflTRflli HOTELi, Bpyan, Texas. J. b. MOOR I N O, JPropr. airjiifg J. N. COLE, President. J. P. BURROUGH;Cahier. H. R. HEARNE, Vice Pros. A. D. M. CON.NICoAss’tCasln - ' : ~,;Mercl|a!it; u'r^Lpfeqters J\lational Bnnk. AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, SURVEY^INC; MECHANICAL AND SCIENTIFIC ENGIN EERING, CHEMISTRY, VETERINARY SCIENCE, DRAWING. KISH»1MN Ri-van, Texas. CAPITAL, Surplus and Profits, $100,000,000 12,000,000 iLiA^GUAGES. ■ - £L *A General Banking Business Transacted. College Souvenir Spoons at * McKenzie & Cos., * mm. THE dEWEUERS. Sttyan,? 1 Tasyas. ^Extensive additions to dormitory and equipment of de partments; stund pipe, ice plant, laundry and electric light plant; making the college complete in every detail. No tuition and no ehargs for text books except languages and miAiry science. Expenses for entire session, except for 40.00. Send for catalogue. ■ i