THE BATTALION, College Station Texas. : : : : Keep a Full Line of : rs, ®ook» ai u OH A!/ %A >tati0i|erj ? flte,, AND der by nvitc You to Call -JiMERCIIANT TAILOR,K- Brvan, _ _ _ _ Texas. fasljioifaMe Snits, Cadet aijd Milllary llutforaja Made ©15 §!?ort 'Notice. "■ I Hi ’ V MYERS & 1IASWELL, a good pit gitranteed. DEALERS IN Books and Stationery. General School Supplies, Pocket Cutlery, Tobacco and Cigars. I a: Cadets Trade Solicited. I?ost Office Bviilding-. - Ux\y£in, Texas, Next Door to John Wittman. The only First Class Oyster Parlor in the City. Meals at all hours. J. W. Howell. President. H. 0. Boatwkight, Cashier. Guy M. Bbyan, Jk.. Vice President. L. L. McInnis, Asst.Cashier. First National Bank, Bryan, Texas. ^ FISCAL AGENTS, A. AND M. COLLEGE. tl|0 COfjlSCtlOIJ, Cl|iJ SSS. :;,J rf : 5 Ce, > te a r ^headquarters for fFruito a n d fFine Soafeonotio. vault and safe are both fire and burglar proof. i r flttention, Battalion I Cadets who have not yet subscribed to THE BAT TALION should do so at once and assist in making our Paper a credit to the A. and M. College.