The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 01, 1893, Image 6

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    THE BATTALION, College Station, Texas.
Field Day E^e^eises.
On Saturday, the 21st, ult., the Y. M. C. A. instituted their
Field Day exercises as noted in the last issue of the Battalion.
As these exercises were new to most of the Cadets, and were
not very generally understood about the College community-
there were not as many either to participate in them or to wit
ness them as was desired; but most of those who did partici;
pate, entered into the sports with considerable zest. This is a
step in the right direction, and I trust the professors and stu
dents will encourage the undertaking. Seats Will be prepared
by the next time, which will be about the middle of November
and the ladies are most cordially invited to lend their presence
the occasion. The following program was carried out:
1. One hundred yards Foot Race. Entries were Messrs.
Mathews, Burnette, Gilmore, Carson, Sims, Oltorf, Fitz
gerald B, Best two in three was won by Mr. Fitzgerald first;
Carson, second.
2. Putting the . Shot. (Fifteen pounds.) Contestants
were Messrs. Barnette, Burney and Sims.
Best single throw—Burney 34.4 feet; best average in three
throws—Burney 22.4 feet; second average in three throws—
Sims 27.6 feet.
Best Throw with Baseball. The following participated—
Mathews, Watts, Sims, H. Coulter, Oliver and Oltorf. Best
singleJ;hrow—Watts, 312.6feet; best average in three throws
—Oltorf, 308.1 feet; second average in three throws—Mathewa,
296.5 feet,
4. Best Running Jump. • Contestants were Sims,. McDon
ald, Mathews, Hairston and Dwight Carson. Best single jump
•,^-Simfe, 16:6 feet; best average in three jumps—Sims, 15.1 feet;
nea^econd average in tliree jumps—McDonald 15 feet,
see 5. Potato Race. (Winner to get the’taters.) Thefollow-
yr ing showed their dexterity and celerity in gathering up anddis-
' posing of potatoes: Sims, Wight, Oltorf, Carson, Mathews and
W. Coulter. Oltorf got the potatoes.
6. Three Leg Race. Messrs. McNeil and Ahrmbeck C.,
Hutchinson and Cook, Mathews and Oltorf, Carson and
Dwight entered. Hutchinson and Cook won; McNull and
Texas. The exercises were under the immediate managem ent
of Cadet Sergeant Merriwether, while Prof. Smith and Dan
Cushing acted as judges for the occasion.
Out* College Athletes.
Marked interest has been manifested in the manly art
since the completion of the gymnasium and the A. and M. C.
boasts of some crack sparers, Boys who are scientific in this
respect are anxious that their favorite past-time should be f‘re
presented at the next Y. M. C. A. field day. They think that
it is as important for this line of sport to be noticed as that of
baseball, foot ball, sprinting, etc. Messrs. Morse, Mathews,
Watts and Pittuck, last years representatives of the manly
art at the A. and M. C. are back and are trying to arrange
some friendly bouts for next field day. We hope that some
notice of this will be taken by the Y. M.C. A. officers.
Foot Ball.
Those interested in foot ball met last Friday night for the
purpose of organizing permanent teams for the ensuing year.
It was decided that twenty-six members should compose the
regular team under the name of “The A. & M. C, F. B. T.,”
and that two sub-teams should be created from this one, for
the purpose of having enthusiastic games regularly so as to
put themselves in readiness for any challenge they might re
ceive from neighboring towns or colleges. When the two
teams have perfected themselves in playing, the best thirteen
men from among the twenty-six are to be selected by the
captains, and it ..will be this .team that shall answer
challenges from foreign teams. The uniforms will be
here in a few days. Match games every Saturday evening.
Massenburg and Sims were chosen captains; Bruce, secretary;
and Martin, treasurer.
Local and Personal.
J. GILBERT, - ' - - - - - - - Editor.
Mrs. Fitzgerald visited her son, Fitzaerald B., last Sunday,
Cadets Ward, Trimble and DeStaffeno are attending the
Dallas fair this week.
Dr. Gillespie left for the Dallas fair on last Monday.
Ahrmbeck second.
7. Best Foot Ball Kick. Contestants were Messrs. Watts,
Sims, Adams, Oltorf, Morse, C. Ahrmbeck and McDonald.
Best single kick—Sims, 114.2 feet; best average in three kicks
—Oltorf, 91.3 feet; second average in three throws—Watts,
85.5 feet.
8. Best Standing Jump. McDonald made best jump, 9.4
feet; best average in three—McDonald, 9.1 feet; second aver
age in three—Carson, 8.8 feet; third average in three—Sims,
8.7 feet.
9. 4 Fat Men’s Race. It was expected that the members of
the Fat Men’s Club would turn out en masse for this race, but
something prevented their attendance at the exercises in a
body. However, all those who could puff themselves up suffi
ciently to measure “34” in girth were allowed to enter. An
attempt was made to get H. Davis in, but he -was found to
lack about seventeen inches of being large enough, so the race
was between Messrs. Book, McNeil and Cushing won in the
order mentioned. Next time the officers of the Club are ex
pected to run. The winner to be declared candidate for presi
dent; loser to be presented with a box Anti Fat. It is the in
tention of the association to have the exercises ‘ monthly, and
all are cordially invited to assist in making them a success
and in that way create more of ah interest in the subject of
athletics. All of the best educational institutions of the coun-
' try have their athletic sports. Why not the A^ and Mi of
Adjutant B. C. Pittuck spent a few days at his home in Dal
las since our last issue.
1st Cadet.—“Say, do you know that there are mountains
in the moon?
2nd Cadet.—“No; there are no mountains in the moon.
1st Cadet.—Well, get your trigonometry and I will show
Who said that Santa Claus comes only once a year? Why
Ave have him with Us every day.
What 1st classman Avas it that said he drove stakes “in
clined” to make them flush?
Last Tuesaay night quite a number of 1st classmen hired
a wagon aud Avent into town to see the thrilling little play,
“The Daughter of the Regiment.” Oh no, they never had a
nice time. Only sixteen Avere in one wagon. They greatly
appreciate the privileges the president extends them.
“A little pleasure now and then
Is relished by the most of men.”
Ask Percy if heknoAvs on whose hand the fingers are as 2:3.
There’s nothing in a name, is there, Hiram ? You had
just as soon Avear artificial floAvers as not, just so W. S. pinned
em on, hadn’t you?
Miss Kate Parker, accompanied by Mr. J. Roberts, visited
the college a few days since.
Miss Sheets and Mr. Derden, while out d^jw-Tast Aveek
stopped a few minutes at the college. p