The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 01, 1893, Image 1

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VOL. 1.
NO. 3.
. . . , One year $1 00
vubscnption : j single copy 10
Editor in Chief.
Will Dazey,
A. M. Ferguson.
Joe Gilbert,
A. M. Todd.
E~. C. Jonas, (Austin)
H. P. Jobdan, (Calliopean)
L. L. Brown, (Austin)
Business Manager,
j- Associate Business M’g’rs.
Is true freedom but to break
Fetters for our own dear sake,
And with leathern hearts forget
That we owe mankind a debt?
No; true freedom is to share
All the chains our brothers wear,
And, with heart and hand, to be
In earnest to make others free.
They are slaves who fear to speak
For the fallen and the weak;
They are slaves who will not choose
Hatred, scoffing and abuse,
Rather than in silence shrink
From the truth they needs must think,
They are slaves who dare not be
In the right with two or three.
—James Russell Lowell.
Breathes there a man with soul so dead ,,
Who never to himself hath said, Jj
This is my own, mv native land?—
Whose heart hath ne’er within him burned,
As home his footsteps he hath turned
From wandering on a foreign strand
If such there breathe, go, mark him well;
For him no minstrel raptures swell,
High though his titles, proud his name,
Boundless his wealth as wish can claim,
Despite those titles, power and pelf,
The wretch, concentred all in self,
Living, shall forfeit fair renown,
And, doubly dying, shall go down
To vile dust from whence sprung,
Unwept, unhonored and unsung.
—Walter Scott.
He Pl'&yed a Strong Pant.
9 a f et Mathews (at meeting of dramatic club),—‘‘Professor,
I think we should know the part each man can take, so we can
give him his part when the books arrive.”
Professor P—“All cadets that can take the part of heavy
tragedian, hold up your hands.”
Cadet B.—“Professor, I think that part would suit me to
perfection.” .
Prof. P.—“Did you ever take such a part before?”
Cadet B.—“Yes sir.”
^ > ’— < ^ n company did you play?”
Cadet B—“I play the bass violin in the orchestra.
. a l
The Literary Societies-
Calliopean Society.
The society was called to order on October 14th. A good
attendance present. Mr. Joe Gilbert was sworn in the office
of Librarian. Sergeant Wm. Finlay was elected an honorary
member, after which the society proceeded to take up the ex
ercises for the evening.
The Orator being absent, First Lieutenant and Private
Secretary Bittle kindly volunteered to fill the vacancy, wh
he did with much credit to himself, subject of his oration v
a eulogy on Stonewall Jackson. He portrayed ln vivid cola
the pure, manly, Christian and heroic spirit of the man so be
loved by every Southerner.
The Reader, Mr. Bruce, came next. Mr. Bruce has an
excellent voice, and is a good reader, and together with the ex
cellence of of his selection he delighted the hearts of lovers of
literature for ten minutes or more.
Mr. Jordan succeed Mr. Bruce on the floor with a declama
tion, so well delivered that no critique could find fault with hip
.Mr. Carson was to be essoayist, but he stated he had/"
understood the part he w r as to take in the exercises, and k
prepared an oration instead, which he delivered with telling 1
effect upon his hearers. When he concluded, he was highly
complimented by the president.
The debate was next in order. Subject:
the Stage Is On the Decline.” Mr. MerriAether upheld the
affirmative so strongly that the-sTowing for the negative
seemed rather slim, but,' after the applause succeeding Mr.
Merriwether’s speech had subsided, Mr. Ross appeared with
a smile that greatly enpouraged all believers in the negative
side of the question, and his exceeding well applied points
completely restored the battered appearance At the negative.
Mr. Ross was succeeded by Mr. Ruddy who made some telling
points on the affirmative, which were disposed by Mr. Fitz
gerald, on the negative. Mr. Gilbert then arose and under
took to rescue the now sinking affirmative on an equal with
the negative, but placed it a little higher. But Mr. Lowery
in his humorous style again placed the negative side on top,
and with the assistance of Mr. Leon Cushing, who reponded to
the call for volunteers, the affirmative side was made so
leaky that it was fast losing all its points when Mr. Todd
jumped to its rescue, but too late. It had been proven beyond
a doubt that the stage was as flourishing now as ever, and so
the tribunal decided. This closed the exercises.
The society decided to meet on October 21st, and attend the
special meeting of the Austin Society in a bod}’-. And on the
21st there was nothing done but to thank Mr. F. Ross for his
efforts and taste in decorating the Calliopean Society Hall.
The hall is to be nicely curtained and together with the
nice pictures and fine new tables and covers, there will not be
a more tastefully decorated society hall in the state.
The Calliopean Society is flourishing now as never before—
a fact that gratifies the heart of every member in it, but no
society can help but prosper when she can point to such men
as Wright, Wilson, and O’Bar as having learned the art of
wielding their pens, and that power of speech that distin
guishes man so much, within her walls. Scribf.