The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 15, 1893, Image 9
THE BATTALION, College Station Texas. plEIit) flflD STAFF- First Lieutenant B. C. MORSE, U. S. A., Commandant. 3. C. PITTUC'K ..... ...... .. 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant. 'I'. R. ROSS ■•.. 1st Lieutenant and Quartermaster. , BITTLE 1st Lieutenant and Private Secretary. PULTER Sergeant Major. ^/iyiRDAN Quartermaster Sergeant. |yARD Battalioar Clerk. Co. Co. “B” Sponsor, MISS MARY BETTLE, Sponsor, - MISS RITA SBISA, F. N.Jlfer: f . t . college seation. , Will Dazey, 1st Lieutenant. Captain, Joe Gilbert. :F* O. ,Ellis, 2nd Lieutenant.' . 1st LienL. F. Lewis. jJ.W. Howell, Add. 2nd Lrten’t. 2nd W M. Luckett. G. Japbet “ “ r u t L.O. Abbott. B. R. Mills, 1st Sergeant. , ‘ E- L - Bruce. H. Fitzgerdld, Sergeant. 1st Sergeant, Smith, A. McMillan “ Se geant Bittle, P. H. Martin, <( Duggan. A. Robs, “ Mouser. Burleson, “ r , le( f u - , Watkins, u v Corporal, Broch. Gross' Corporal. “ E? 0 ^' Destafino, Corporal. (( Watts. Legon, “ “ Meyer. Brothers, peiy.ates. Saunders, privates. Abbott, J.; Anglin, Armstrong, Adame, S.; Buchanan, Burney, Blount, J.; Blount, L.; Cartwright, Beldin, Barker, Carson, Cohn, L.; Cartwright, N.; Dechman, Coulter, W.; Corstanjen, Din- Devlin, Derden, Daugherty, Ed- widdie, Eichelberger, Hayden, ins, Faust, Glass, Gustermann, Haven, F.; Harris, Holman, Kerr, Juneman, Sahn, Koppe, Knolle, E.; Kerr, J.; Kyle, A.; Keaghey, Loper,MiIey, Middlebrook, Morse, G.; Keaghey, T.; Law, I,acey, McFar.and.McDonald.Oliver, ©!- Leany, Lee, Moore, Mathews, Pet- torf, Orr, Polk, Post, A.; Eeiler, Reed, J.; Reed, E.; Snow, Steward, Rhodes, Roberts, Schirer, Smith, Staples, Sims, Wells, D. G; Trimble, Neckert. c o-“ c ” ^ Co. “D” Sponsor, ANNIE HESSE, gpongorj MISS BESSIE PATTER- Edward C. Jonas, Captain. SON, „ . E. Kell, 1st Lieut. Temple. W. Maesenberg, 2nd Lieut. Ferguson, Captain. W. F. Rose, Ad. “ “ Todd, 1st Lieutenant. Felix Jahn, “ “ “ Ross, J, 2nd L. L. Brown, 1st Sergeant, Peters, “ “ Guy Stedman, Sergeant. Merriwether, 1st Sergeant. C. E. Burgoon, “ Anderson, Sergeant. Chas. Perlitz, “ Martin, F., Geo. P. White, “ Blount, Robt. H. Mayes, “ Farmer, Willis Dowell, Corporal. Moursund, Cephas Close, “ Clark, H., Rob Porter, “ Ball, Corporal. W. L. Nooner, “ Pidcoke, “ Rosenthal “ Gilmore, “ privates. Goldberg, “ Ahrenbeck, B.; Ahrenbeck, C.; Bass, Allman, B.; Bartlett, Bedwell, privates. Bittle, T..j D’Escbau^, Dreibholz, Amthor, Barnett, Bennett, Bo- EasterlAoerslpcherFitzgeralAA. cock Cunningham, Dairs, J.; Garland, Goodrich, Graham, Hat- Dairs, S.; Donohoo, Dufl, Fagin, hormHaven L.J ; Hill, Hutson, Finnican Fitzgerald, Fowler, W ; Hutchinson Hy- HoU8t on, H.; Jacker, Kistenmach- Jabn* A.LJobngton, KeHogg, er K Kyie, Littlefield, Mc- Levy, McCollum, McReill, Miller, Donald, O’Bryant, Oglesby, Parks, Peyton, Porter, Powell, Sewell, PerkinH Peyton, Ricks, Rose, Shel- Seward, Sherwood, Smith, E.;Sted- ton Shires p • shires, G.; SmRher, man, S.; Speer, Spears, Swartz, Terry Tucker, Wight, Wilcox, Yezien, Roddy, Webb, Woods, Gra u a m, Hinson. Woodward. Greo.*W\ isrorx-ell, Dhuggist, - Bhvax, Texas. Plate to pave Yoflf # # ^rescfiptions’ filled. An elegant line, of Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Toilet Soap and Tooth Powders. The finest line of Writing Tablets, Box Paper and Envelopes in the city. : Keep a Full Line of : DEALERS IN Books and Stationery, General School Supplies, Pocket Cutlery, Tobacco and Cigars. Cadets Trade Solicited. 3?ost Oflieo 331111^111^. - I3ryftn, Texa*, J. AY. Howell, President. H. 0. Boatwright, Cashier. Guy M. Bryan, Jr., Vice President. L. L. McInnis, As’st.Cashier. FISCAL AGENTS, A. AND M. COLLEGE. Capital - - $>100,000.00. Surplus - - 20,000.00. Banking in all its branches. AVill appreciate your accounts and treat you as liberally as conservative banking wilTallow. Our bank vault and safe aie both fire and burglar proof. / V-A-!' -mifiBCHANT TAII.0I1X- Brvan, - - - - Texas. Next Door to John Wittman. The only First Class Oyster Parlor in the City. Meals at all hours. jParffii, tfys latest coi?feetihij, oi|!y § Geijts a Glass. y'hadquaAers for fFruics ana fFine (oorfeoiich*.