The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 15, 1893, Image 2

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    THE BATTALION, College Station, Texas.
t^ules and Regulations.
Some ol the rules and regulations of the A. and M. College
of Texas.
Art. 1. The students of the college shall constitute a mili
tary corps and be subject to the military dicipline under the
immediate command of the commandant of cadets.
Art. 2. Punishments to which a student shall be liable are
as follows:
1. Administration or reprimand.
2: ’Warning and probation.
8. Privation of recreation and permits.
4. Extra tour of duty.
5. Confinement in his room.
G. Recorded demerits.
7. Reduction to the ranks if a cadet officer.
8. Suspension.
9. Dismission with permission to resign.
10. Public dismission.
Art. 8. For the following offences a student shall be . dis
missed, nor upon conviction shall he receive a milder punish
ment than this, nor shall he be received again as a member of
college except by a vote of two-thirds of the faculty present:
1. Giving, accepting or bearing a challenge to fight a duel.
2. Using or threatening by word, attitude or gesture to
use any deadly weapon in a quarrel.
3. Being active in promoting any combination to inter
rupt the exercises or to resist the authorities in a spirit of in
subordination .
4. Gambling.
5. Being intoxicated at any time.
6. Leaving college grounds without satisfactory explana
tion, for a longer time than one hour after call to quarters at
7. Committing an offence for which an infamous punish
ment is fixed by the laws of the state.
8. Willfully lying in giving evidence before -the faculty,
or refusing to give evidence which will not criminate himself.
9. If any student shall be guilty of hazing or of inciting
others thereto, he shall be expelled and it shall be the duty of
the president to place opposite his name in the catalogue the
words, “expelled for hazing.”
Art. 4. Any disrespect, positive disobedience or insult to
any member of the faculty or instructor shall be punished ac
cording to the aggravation of the offence; if the offence be
grave the offender shall be dismissed.
Art. 5. The following offences shall be deemed misde
meanors and shall be punished according to their degree by
the president and commandant; provided that any of these
offences may be brought before the faculty for their considera
tion by the president or any member of the faculty.
1. Bringing or causing to be brought intoxicating liquors
upon the grounds.
2. Playing at cards or other gambling games.
3. Having in posession firearms or other deadly weapons.
4. Willfully damaging or defacing any public property.
5. Entering any plane where intoxicating liquors are sold.
6. Going beyond the limits of the college without the
permission of the president or of the commandant in such
cases as may be delegated to him by the president.
7. Insulting a sentinel by word or gesture.
' 8. Answering for another at roll call.
9. Behaving improperly at devine service.
10. Profanity, vulgarity or indecent behavior.
11. Fighting or quarreling.
12 . Traducing or defaming another student.
13. Combining for any improper purposes.
14. Issuing or causing to be issued any publication relative
to the college without the consent of the faculty.
15. Being absent from any duty without the permission of
the president or excuse by the surgeon.
18. Breach of arrest .
17. Being absent from his room during the performance of
any duty from which the student has been excused on account
of sickness.
19. Overstaying leave of absence.
19. Gross disturbance in or about the college building.
20. Failure on the part of any student returning from
leave of absence to report for duty by the first general roll call
after his arrival.
21. Disobedience to cadet officer when on duty.
22. Making false report to sentinel.
28. Neglect on the part of a student to inform the president
when he knows that a challege to fight has been sent.
24. WTllful neglect of duty by a cadet officer or sentinel.
25. Tearing down or defacing anv notice or order posted
by order of the faculty or any officer of the college.
26. If any offence inumerated in article 5 be aggravated,
the student may be suspended or dismissed at the discretion of
the faculty.
Art. 6. For repeated offences the president may assign Sat
urday punishment or confinement upon recommendation of
■ the commandant, or in other cases at his discretion.
Art. 7. It shall be the duty of the commandant to classify
the offences, which classification after being approved by the
faculty shall be published in orders.
Art. 8. Any student who shall receive 150 demerits for
the first five months, or 250 during the session shall be re
ported to the faculty by the commandant and shall be subject
to dismissal.
Art. 9. Students who have been dismissed from the college
shall be required to leave the premises without delay.
Art. 10. : When a student is suspended or resigns, he shall
be required to leave the college within 24 hours; disregard of
this regulation shall We punished according to the circum
stances of the case.
Art. 11. Offences against good order and propriety and de
linquencies generally, not especially enumerated in the regu
lations, shall be punished according to the nature and circum
stances of the case.
Art. 12. Deficient scholarship and negligent attendance on
college exercises shall always be sufficient cause for requiring
a student to withdraw from the college after due notice to
himself or to his parent or guardian by the faculty. In such
cases, if the student be charged with no moral delinquency, he
shall receive a simple certificate of discharge, which shall be
sent to his parent or guardian.
Art. 13. Whenever a student shall be frequently absent
from his duties though for sufficient reason, the faculty shall
call the attention of the parent or guardian to that fact; that if
there be no improvement in this respect they shall advise the
withdrawal of such student. A student shall not be exempt
from responsibility to the authorities of the college for cen
surable acts committed during the vacations or while absent
from the college during the session.
Art. 14. No student on leave of absence shall remain in
the vicinity of the college except when [he parent or guardian
resides there, unless specially authorized to do so.