The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 01, 1893, Image 1

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    VOL. 1.
NO. 1.
E. L. BRUCE Editor in Chief.
''ill Dazev,
A. M. Ferguson.
Joe Gilbert,
A. M. Todd.
.’Jonas, (Austin)
Business Manager.
H. P. Jordan, (Calliopean)
L. L. Pkown, (Austin)
Associate Business M’g’rs.
With this issue The Battalion makes its politest bow to
the public and asks its esteemed patronage. As our valued
predecessor, The Journal, has enlisted among the ranks of the
defunct, we deem it our duty to see that the cadets will yet
have a paper to be proud of.
The Editor in Chief here takes advantage of the opportu
nity offered to thank the societies for the position they have so
generously assigned him. He shall do everything in his power
to make these pages lively, interesting and instructive, and,
with such gifted associate editors to contribute to its columns,
he feels that he cannot possibly fall short of his aim.
Boys, this paper is yours. Make it something. Lend all
your assigtance possible. It is your duty, and should be your
pleasure, to write something for every issue. The editors will
endeavor to obtain most of the contributions from among you,
and as it will prove beneficial in more than one way, you
ought to be proud of the opportunity. There is much talent
in the corjis that has been dormant long enough, and as the
first and greatest object of a college paper should be to arouse
and then cultivate the literary tastes of its students, we con
sider it our initial duty to create immediate enthusiasm in
this line. Every cadet, from his entrance to his graduation,
should furnish us with at least one article for every number.
Try this plan, and we will ere long have a paper that can
claim its rank high up among the literary editions of every
college in the Union!
Again asking the support of the general public, we present
you with this, our initial effort, and gracefully yield to your
further demands.
The students and faculty were very much gratified on re
turning this session to learn that the time of Lieutenant
Morse, who has so faithfully and efficiently served the college
as commandant for the past three years, has been extended
another year.
The department of English has lately been raised to its
highest merits, With the distinguished Professor Hutson at its
head, and with his able associates it will no doubt be made
the most interesting one of the college. Something new in the
line of orations has been added to each class, and the boys
will also be given numerous opportunities to display their skill
in essay writing. The plavs of Shakespeare and other literary
works will soon be one of its additional features. Success to it.
r Ihe Ross Volunteers have commenced drilling again, and
under her new captain they bid fair to rival the merits hereto
fore won., To keep in good condition takes a great deal of
practice, and this is what they intend to do, as they have
always done, for fear that they will be called upon to visit the
Dallas fair. They have had special invitations to the fair for
several yt ars, and attended once and proved themselves worthy
of their name and school. The faculty cannot possibly object
to them going this year, and where the Board can object we
cannot see, for you will not fiind a more gentlemanly set of
boys anywhere as you find in the A. and M. C.’s crack com
pany. They are the picked men from the finest “corps of
cadets” in the country. Such a body of young men attending
such a fair and representing this college will be a better adver
tisement than a page “ad” in a daily newspaper. They could
not help but draw praise from every lip and prove themselves
worthy of the compliments bestowed upon them. To be com
plimented by men of military ability and learning; men who
know well the true merit of a company when they see it, is an
honor that few companies enjoy.
Now, it is to be hoped that the Board will act favorably
toward this, the favor which they ask, and the Ross Volunteers
will prove themselves an honor to the college, as well as the
best drilled company in Texas. Accommodations can be had
cheap and the fare will be almost nothing, hence the question
of expense cannot cut a figure in the case.
The beautiful game of base bail seems to be on the decline
at our college. We have not had an unquestionably good base
ball team at the A. and M. for two years. Since the departure
of such men as Long, Maas, Metcalf, and this year of DahRoh,
the national game is surely losing interest. We made a weak
attempt to revive the noble sport last year and partly-suc
ceeded, but did not receive the co-operation of the corps; also
did not organize till the last moment, practiced seldom, and
were defeated in our contests.
The A. and M. C. should have a first-class ball club. It
should not be in the rear of other first-class colleges in this re
spect, for a good base ball team is a credit to any college. We
have some good talent among us this season, and with practice
may develop some stars.
imPHOVEmEHTS AT THE a. and m. C.
What a broad subject! Look around yourself and with
that feeling of peculiar pride compare the college of ’92-93
to that of the present year.
The electric light and power house is soon to be put in
operation, and then a long-felt want will be a thing of the past
—that of more lights and better lights. The college grounds
need to be illuminated by arc lamps, for this thing of gloomy
appearances, as well as reliefs wading through water on rainy
nights, cannot last long. The Bryan power company has fur
nished us with lights for several years, but the Directors see
that better results can be obtained by running it themselves.
The ice factory which was fitted up this summer will
utilize a great part of the 100,000 gallons of splendid white
sulphur water thal our new artesian well gives daily, in the
way of manufacturing two tons of ice every day. This cer
tainly calls for cooler times.
A large natatorium is to be built this winter and next sum
mer—well, we’ll surely enjoy ourselves. -
We can also pride ourselves over the fact' that we won’t
have to wear any more yellow clothes, for the steam laundry