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About The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1938)
FAST Careful Shipment of Your Trunks Direct to “Your Front Door ENGLISH Freight Lines SENIORS Come by 106 Bizzell not later than 10 o’clock Saturday morning to get your Commencement invi- tations.—John Bone. PHYSICAL EDUCATION EQUIPMENT Students who have not checked in their locks and towels are re- John Potts, J. F. Kuban, Agents, quested to do so by Saturday, May 185, 186, 188 | | 28—W. L. Penberthy. 186a-4 ASSEMBLY HALL LESLIE WALTER WANGER presents on Sieh BOGART ae HENRY GORDON 3 § GC Screenplay by Gene ‘Towns and Graham Baker | JOAN ; 4 in MARLA SHELTON ® 5 JACK CARSON Directed by Tay Garnett Released thriz United ‘Artists THEATRE Ae FRIDAY 6 3:45 P. M. — Admission Tie : | Kremel, 3 pkgs. ‘| Fresh Tomatces, Ib. | Hormel Sliced Bacon, 1 NOTICE - NYA ENROLLEES NYA checks for the period end- ing June 4, 1938, will be sent di- rectly to the student’s home. Unless we are otherwise notified, the ad- dresses as on file in the Fiscal Office will be used.—F. W. Hensel, Chairman Student Labor Com. ; 186 AGGIES SAVE MONEY Avoid express charges on your ‘trunks by storing them with us. It costs you only 75¢ for the whole summer. Watch for details later. - TRUNK STORAGE SERVICE Sponsored by the A I E E 185a-3 LAST CALL. Boys place your orders for uniforms before you | leave with Lauterstein’s. 185-188 SENIOR AND JUNIOR Senior and junior tailor made Sam Browne Belts of highest qual- ity made to your individual meas- ure. See us for prices. J. F. HOLICK & SON North Gate : .185a-4 \ : : 4 NOTICE. We will be open until 7:30 to take your measure for uni- forms. LAUTERSTEIN’S. 185-188 Aggieland Grocery & Market Sugar, YQ dbs. ASS ON Le 49¢ Carrots, diced, No. 2 12¢ ‘Peaches, tall can Beans, Lima, No. 1 Strawberries,’ No. 2 can, 2 for 2c ‘| Coffee, 2 lbs. and 3 piece Ice Box Set. 75¢c ‘i Mackerel, tall can, 3 for .. 2 One can Brains and Doz. Onda Relish, 12% - oz. Shoestring Spuds, 2 cans Gold Dust, 2 for Drift Flakes, 2 for Spuds, 10 Ibs. Lemons, doz. 50a. Gh Es Fresh Ear Corn, doz. . | Fresh String Beans, 1b. RA BTR ~..24¢ Skinless Weiners, 1b. ‘Center Sliced Ham, 1b. Beef Shoulder Roast, Ib. Round Steak, 1b. Dressed Fryers, each CALL Us FOR SERVICE Phones 180 and 179