The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, May 27, 1938, Image 1
THE DAILY BULLETIN Vol. XXL COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1938. No. 185 COMMANDANT’S OFFICE 1. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: May 27—Program by Consolidated School Orchestra, Guion Hall, . M. 2. EXCUSED ' LIST: a. The following students are excused for absences from classes and other routine duties for the reason given: May 25 (Sick) Bernkrant, Alfred Morris, R. D. Blume, Walker McAdoo, S. S. Bumpers, L. P. Paxton, J. N. Chapman, E. G. Robinson, G. C. Colley, A. S. Sanders, J. H. Curtis, -C. C. Sebesta, E. E. Durst, N. D. Sikes, Robt. Fagin, C. W. Sowell, Joe Formby, Don Spiller, G. M. Hobbs, R. L. Spiller, Kyle Hudson, J. W. Taylor, W Wignall, P. R. Jhnatowicz, A. fy Woodworth, W. C. Lawson, W. Logie, A. J. May 26 (Guard) Thrift, D. B. Mandell, B. P. From 9:00 A. M. May 25 to 9:00 A. M. May 26 Wedemeyer, W. C. Geo. F. Moore Comdt. OATHS OF OFFICE The administration of oaths of office to graduates” appointed in the Officers’ Re- serve Corps, except for the Veterinary Reserve, will begin at 8:00 A. M., Satur- day, May 28, 1938, and continue during “office hours until noon Friday, June 8, 1988, in Room 101, Academic building. The oath will be administered to Veteri- nary graduates at the same place at 1:00 P. M., Friday, June 3, 1938. No oath can be legally administered be- fore . the dates stated above. All prospective graduates, except Veteri- nary graduates, who have applied for ac~ tive duty during the period June 5-18, 1938, must take the oath of office before noon, Saturday, May 28, 1938. Attention is invited to the fact that only those students who graduate and re- _ceive diplomas may be appointed in the “0. R. C. at this time. Students who satis- factorily complete the prescribed R.O.T.C. course but fail to graduate may be appoint- | ed one year from the date on ‘Which they should have graduated. Prospective appointees Whose. graduation is assured (except Veterinarians) should report before noon Saturday, May 28, 1938, and all others should report as soon as clear. GEO. F. MOORE Lieutenant Colonel, C.A.C. P.M.S. & T \ LET US “Truck” Your Trunks From Your “Hole” to Your Home ENGLISH Freight Lines John Potts, J. F. Kuban, Agents (Oalit Lemons, 490 size, 1 doz. Clicquot Club Ginger Ale, pint size .._. FOR SALE One pair Lucchese Boots, Size 9; One pair Ice Cream Breeches, waist 32; One Sam Browne with shoulder strap; One Saber, length 30 inches; One Dobbs Hat. Come To 25 MILNER Before Noon Saturday 185e-1 SCHOLARSHIP HONOR SOCIETY BANQUET The Scholarship Honor Society will “hold its final banquet of the season at the Mess Hall tonight at 6:45. The election of officers for next year will be held tonight after the banquet. CIVIL SERVICE Candidates for Funioh Agvoro. mist and Junior Soil Surveyor will meet at 7:30 Friday evening, May 27 for coaching by Dr. L. G. Jones, Room 304 Acronis) Building. CAMPUS GROCERY SPECIAL FRIDAY AND. SATURDAY Sweet Corn, No. 2 oan; 2 fori Lo 2 25¢ N Golden Bantam Corn, No. 2 can, 2 for 25¢ : | Also Pineapple, Ponchos. Grape Fruit Juice, No. 2 can, 3 for Monarch Apple Butter, 18 oz. jar Corn Flakes, 3 large boxes .. . .. ... 26 Kate Smith Bake Cake Kit, Special rly 29¢ Gulf Spray, qt. 45¢, Gulf Furniture Oil 25¢, all for ..... 5 New Calif. Potatoes, 10 1b. bag Wheaties, large size, 2 boxes Yacht Club Whole Pack Tomatoes, No. 2 can Folgers Coffee, 2 1b. can Folgers Coffee, 1 1b. can .._. Lettuce, large heads, each _. .. be Pickles, sour, qt. size Kraft French Dressing, 8 oz. size Miracle French Dressing, 8 oz. size Calif. Oranges, nice size, doz. Fresh Cucumbers, Ib. i le | White and Yellow Squash, Th, | eA 3¢ || Fresh Tomatoes, Ib. _.. 5c Call Luke's for Quality and Be Convinced “F fi £3 E’ Ss Phone 44 or 242 ‘ We Deliver Lettuce, firm and erisp, head “ : 10s | Salad Oil, | Peas, Country Kist, 3 cans PRESBYTERIAN NOTICE A picture of the morning con- gregation fo the Presbyterian Church will be taken in the “Y” Chapel immediately following the 11:00 worship service this Sunday, May 29th. This picture is for use in getting funds for a new church building and also for publication in our church papers. Students, you will realize how important your presence at Church this Sunday is, and I am sure I can count on you to make this con- tribution to our efforts to get funds for our new church. —Norman Anderson 187a-3 LIBRARY NOTICE All library books charged to stu- dents will be due Saturday, May 28. After that date the usual fine will be charged on all books over- due.—T. F. Mayo, Librarian. Charlie’s Food Market Friday and Saturday Specials Cherries, fresh California, 1b. 25¢ prison 35e A Oranges, Calif., med. size, 2 doz. Lemons, large and juicy, doz. Sanath or PR [Cilenmbers, 3 Ibs, 2 Plums, Bias Poppers, Home Grown Corn, er U c | Wax or Green Beans, Beets, Carrots, Cab- Cc Hage, Live or Dressed Fryers Cheese, full cream, 1b. 17¢ i Picnics, cooked, ready to eat, whole, 1b. 29¢ | Bologna, sliced, 1b. i5c “Bacon, Armours Banquet, Ib. i Cheese, Pimento, Swiss, or Brick, lb. 30c Milk, Armours, 3 tall cans Crustene, pint can Catsup, large 14 bz. bottle “Snpar, Imperial Cloth Bag, 10 lbs. 5% Vegetole, 4 Ibs. 45¢ : Cherries, for pies, can 3.0n10e Hominy, 2:N0.- 2% mir Seat Pa !B. I. Peas, Del Dixie, 3 cans | Grape Fruit Juice, 46 oz. can { Fruit Cocktail, Libby’s, 2 No. 2... 35¢ Corn Flakes, Kellogg’ 8, 3 large pkgs. ...25¢ | Orange Juice, 3 - I 10Z. Cans ...... laces 25¢ purchase of 1 Ib. Dog House Dog Food, 6 cans en ie Beans, cut stringless, 2 cans 34c Jellatin, Monarch, Fruit Flavor, 3 es 14¢ Phone 13 : CHARLIE We Deliver aed oh Nd