The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, December 07, 1924, Image 1
The Daily Bulletin VOL. VIII COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1924. NO. 63 PRESBYTERIAN HAVE BUILDING PLAN MADE Want Local Students and Officials to Pledge Their Limit and Build Manse and Pay for Lot. A program to secure definite re- sults in building a manse and begin- ning the creation of a fund for a church building on the lot owned by The First Presbyterian Church of College Station has been initiated by Reverend C. Fred Hancock, pastor, Dr. E. O. Randolph, clerk and M. H. Mimms, president student cabinet. With a membership of 400 local resi- dents and students and the promise of help from the home mission board of the church he feels that concerted action by the local group will enable a big accomplishment without a heavy burden on anyone. “I want to call the attention of Presbyterians to the fact that we have a program and that we are capable of carrying out a strong plan if we can only get concerted action,” he said yesterday in discussing his aims. “We have nearly 400 people, a suf- ficiert number to do things without putting a heavy burden on anyone. “Our first duty should be to pay off the indebtedness on the lot. There is now due, according to the last re- port $1635 on this lot north of the Campus. After a conference with a number of the students it seems to me feasible that the nearly 300 stu- dents of the Presbyterian group pay the remainder on this lot this school year. “A manse is very much needed in order that the pastor may have a per- manent home near the Campus. This will enable him to give more effi- cient service. If the students take care of the lot the Campus people should then devote their efforts arc support to the erection of the pastor’: home. “Dr. Brooks I. Dickey, superinten- dent of the State Home Missions was in Bryan lats week and while here stated that he saw no reason why we cannot borrow the money needed to finish the manse after we (Continued on page 4) BATTALION FOOTBALL EDITION DECEMBER 10 The Football Edition of The Battalion will be distributed Wednesday, December 10. On account of an extra ex- pense incurred by the publica- tion of a twenty page edition, last week’s issue was omitted. THE EDITOR. PROF. WHITE WILL ADDRESS SOCIAL SCIENCE SEMINAR Professor R. C. White, of the De- partment of Rural Sociology, will ad- dress the Social Science Seminar Monday night at 8 o’clock in the lec- ture room of the Physics building. The subject of the address will be “The Psychology of War.” Everyone is invited to attend and contribute to the discusion. Secretary. — ete —eeeee ALL LONGHORN MATERIAL MUST BE IN BEFORE DEC. 10 All material for the 1925 Longhorn must be in to me at 4 Mitchell not later than December 10. HOWARD JOHNSON, Mgr. Editor, THE LONGHORN ~<a gl tl GRADUATE STUDENTS MUST HAVE PICTURES MADE NOW All graduate students who wish to have their pictures in the 1925 Long- horn will have their pictures made at the College Studio not later than next Tuesday. For full information see Newt Jones at the Y. M. C. A. DAVID BAXT, editor, THE LONGHORN ——el fe A true success my life can be, Though fame and riches I renounce It isn’t what Life gives to me, But what I bring to Life That counts. —R. C. McCann. —— Oe {— FOR SALE—Furniture—nmew DPeor- fection stove, kitchen cabinet, dining and living room suites, bed, rugs, etc "Phone College 208.—63 BISHOP BYRNE WILL SPEAK THIS MORNING Sunday School at 9:15; Denomination- al Services This Evening; Spe- cial Class Meetings. Bishop C. E. Byrne will speak at the regular convocation in Guion Hall this morning, beginning at 10:50 o- ‘clock. Mrs. Webb Howell of Bryan will sing. The following schedules of today’s programs by the various denomina- tions, have been announced by the group officers: Baptist Services Only two more Sundays to attend church at A. & M. before the Christs mas holidays. Let us make our at- tendance at all services today the best of the year. Meet us at Sunday School and start the day right. We shall expect you. R. L. BROWN, pastor. Presbyterian Services Remember the appointments for today. Sunday School at 9:15 in Guion Hall, junior C. E. at 2:30 p. m. in the Chapel, senior C. E. at 6:45 and preaching at 7:30. We have been hoping that the Freshman Sun- day School class would become so large that it would be necessary to divide the class and invite an addi- tional teacher. We invite every Presbyterian freshman to meet with us this morning. The subject of the sermon tonight will be “The “I Ams’ of Christ. C. FRED HANCOCK, pastor Senior Bible Class The Senior Bible class will meet: {his morning at 9:30 in the Y. M. C. A. parlors for its regular period of study and discussion. Every senior: is urged to be present. You will miss somethirg if you are absent. A. A. WARD, class presdent. Episcopal Services The Episcopals will observe Holy Communion this morning at 8:30 o- (Continued on Page 2)