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About The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1918)
THE REVEILLE VOL. IL College Station, Texas, October 30, 1918 No. 2 COLLEGE STILL \J 07 "we "ne fe of oe fe oe of ole of ole of of oe ole ale of of | COLLEGE GIVES SWEATERS AVAILABLE FOR od * SICK MEN 2 ON WAR BASIS - = $66,850 | The local auxiliary of the Red *| 4 | ote § oe | NO NEW BUILDINGS WILL BE Er hey IST fre swale + RESPONSE FROM ACADEMIC DE- ASKED OF LEGISLATURE |, g «| PARTMENT EQUIVALENT TO FOR NEXT BI-ENNIUM | BUILD BUDGET NOW Ye CJ * + . x. DE we ve oe of Instructions Sent to Deans, Direct- tors and Heads of Departments to Make Careful Estimates of Operating Expenses | President Bizzell has sent notice to | the deans and directors of the schools | and divisions of the College and the | branch institutions to begin immed- | iately on the preparation of the vada ets to be submitted to the Thirty- | sixth Legislature, which convenes in | January. Under the plan of the prep- | aration of the budget of A. and M. College the head of each department to any member of the S.A.T.C. or training units on the Campus who have been sick and have * | not been supplied with sweat * QUOTA IS EXCEEDED ers already. Applicants should *¢ i : | rae Be Send their names lo, Mrs. Mark | This is One of Few Communities in Francis, chairman of the College | County to go Over Top—Exper - x 20 PER CENT SALARIES 2 | Red Cross auxiliary. ES : ; Loe te oe ob ode oe of of ole oe of of oe ole oe of ment Station and Extensior Service Are Liberal reco at- 19-YEAR-OLDS | Probably the highest TR ANSFERRED ¢ainea by any state institution in | Texas in subscriptions to the Fourth Liberty. Loan was made by thg in- structors and empoyes of the Coilege proper, the average being slightly in MEN OF THAT AGE IN SECTION B., S.A. T.C, GO INTO REGULAR ARMY WORK TODAY pay roll of the institution. The College proper with an annual ; pay roll of $205,105 and an assess- or what is more |, .,tinthe 4th drive of $35,000, con- All nineteen-year-old men in Sec- tion B, S.A.TC., excess of 20 per cent of the annual is expected to prepare careful esti- | PoPularly known as the short-course | tributed a total of $42,100, or a little mates of the needs of his department | °F the College, dropped their regular| more than 20 per cent excess of the for the next two years. These esti-| College work last night and today quota. The Extension Service with mates are then considered by the | they ‘will be taken over by Lieut. E.| an annual pay roll of $123,102 and an Administrative Council of the Col-|'- Daugherty, adjutant of the regu-| assessment of $15,000, lege before finally being submitted | 12r training detachment unit at the | $16,100, or a little more than 13 per to the Board of Directors for approv- College, and assigned either to the | cent of the annual salaries of the al. radio mechanics or auto mechanics, | subscribers, and a fraction over 11 In the communication of Dr. Biz-| according to their qualifications. A | per cent in excess of the levy made zell it is suggested that no estimates | total of 206 men will be taken over py the committee in charge. The Ex- are desired at this time for mew | PY him at 9 oc’lock today, after | periment Station with an individual subscribed buildings, due to the fact that war conditions make it inadvisable to con- sider the erection of permanent build- ingss at this time. Unless the war should end within the next few months, it is not contemplated that the Legislature will be requested to provide funds for any except minor improvements and the regular main- tenance of the College. 0 ATTEND BANDMASTER’S SCHOOL To attend the bandmaster’s school at Carnegie Institute of Technology the following members of the recent Training Detachment here have gone to Pittsburg;: Adelbert W. Bruce, Everett W. Hanson, Henry Pahmeyer, Charles E. Powell and Paul Spen- rath. which they will be sent through an| pay roll of $74,670 subscribedd to examination to show what their fit-| $8650 worth of bonds, or an equiv- ness for the courses offered is. “As soon as the qualifications’ of the men are determined they will be | assigned t o new companies and quartered in some of the new barracks that have just been completed. With the withdrawal of these men from the regular student body the pressure ‘on dormitory space will be relieved | and the students now quartered in the | gymnasium will be able to find room in some of the regular dormitories. J NORMAL STUDENTS COME FOR RADIO WORK Twenty men from the S.A.T.C unit at the Southwest Texas Normal at San Marcos have been ordered to Col- lege to take the course for radio me- chanics here. alent of 11.5 per cent of the annual | salaries of the subscribers. | From the University of Texas prop- jer the subscription to the Fourth issue was approximately 12 per cent of the annual salaries, so from the College proper the response was much more liberal in proportion. From all sources here, the subserip- tion to the recent issue was $66,350, other words, the College went over the top by approximately 11 per cent and was one of the few communities in Brazos county to do so. & now permanently domiciled while the quota was only $60,000. In 0 S Registrar Charles E. Friley and little sons, Charles Jr. and Billy, are in the Sib ATA Re - home of Mr. Friley’s sister, Mrs. J. Webb Howell, in Bryan. ©