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About The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1918)
Suceessor to The Daily Bulletin Se Official Newspaper of the Agricul- tural and Mechanical College of Texas. Published daily, except Mon- day, by the Publicity Department for circulation among students, instruct- ors and Campus residents. Advertising Rates subsequent insertion. Display Ads—Rate plication. ee SR in the hospitals for some HARK, THE REVEILLE SE Beginning today The Reveille ap- pears as Bulletin as theofficial newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical Col- CANDY R ATION The new publication is | * lege of Texas. much larger than the old one, the hope being to thus more adequately meet the increased demands. incident to the rapid expansion of the College in every way. ; The Reveille enjoys at least one dis- tinction in the ranks of American college journalism in that it is the only newspaper in this country pub- . lished exclusively by the College authorities and distributed without cost to students, instructors and Campus residents: It is the hope of the management to make the new paper worthy of some distinetion, also, because of the character of serv- ice it renders its readers, but to make this possible there must be the fullest co-operation on the part of the read- ers with the editor for it is impos- sible for one man to know of every- thing that is transpiring on the Campus and attend to his other duties as well. More space for the handling of news items is now available and the usefulness and interest of the pub- Jieation will be in proportion to the information andl suggestions with which the paper is provided from its friends. : CASES OF CONTINUED ILLNESS TO COME HOME Any man in the AEF. who is sick for more than four months or who, having been wounded, will have to have surgical attention for more than four months, will be sent to the United States, advises The Stars and Stripes, the official publication of the American Expeditionary Forces. : That is the recent decision reached by the Chief Surgeon of the A.E.F. So much more hospital space can be afforded in the United States for lingering cases than in France that it | charged from the army until every- © Want Ads—One cent per word first | thing possible has been done to put insertion; one-half cent per word each| him back furnished on ap-| Lp it will be necessary to retain THE REVEILLE has been decided to send such cases a : home for treatment there. Men having been in the hospital |; than four months will not, for more except in France. They will-be used: for work at home which will release other men of sound physique. No man will rare cases, be, sent to hereafter be dis- into the best physical con- dition. Even after the war, men | time will | not be discharged until everything | possible has been done for them that | can be accomplished by the medical | and surgical authorities supervising | the successor to The Daily their cases. val, Jd IS INCREASED | 1 (From Stars and Stripes) Every soldier in the A.E.F. will re-| ceive one-half pound of candy every | ten days as a part of his ration, un- | der the new ration system drawn up| by the Q.M.C. and now awaiting rati- | fication of G.H.Q. : A The candy ration will include | chocolates and hard candies of pure | sugar. The candy is now being made | in factories in France by the Q.M.C.| The new ration system, prepared | | after months of co-operation be- tween the Q.M.C. and the Food and | Nutrition Bureau of the Chief Sur-| geon’s office, contains many other] changes which directly affect every | American sodier in France. Fol-| | lowing are some of them: | Syrup is withdrawn as a regular | component of the ration, and will be] | largely replaced by prunes, figs, ap- ples, other dried fruits and jams. Syrup will still be issued, but only on | the same terms as its substitutes. : Beans Four Days in Ten "The bean allowance is increased to’ four ounces per ration, with issue limited to four days in ten. Cheese is provided for issue with] macaroni. It will be issued as a sub- | stitute for fresh beef, but will not ex- | ceed 10 per cent of the beef allow- | ance. Boneless beef, bacon, fresh pork, | canned or Vienna sausages, Vmed and dried fish are also made substi- | tutes for the fresh beef ration of 20 ounces. The milk allowance is increased from one-half ounce to one ounce. Soluble coffee and goup cubes with solidified alcohol to heat them are pro- vided for troops in the front line trenches. The coffee issue for these troops will be one-third more than for 0.9.9 9 ® 0-0 & o 0. 0. 0.0 0 0 0 9 OO 9 ® oe 0 6% 0. 0. Be Va Ve TaePs 2% sh Cr ab ab a i 0 et i CR SACRE J offs 6% NEW SHIPMENT OFFICERS’ PLAIN TOE | ARMY SHOES All Sizes and Widths A. M. Waldrop & Company od oe oe of 5) os oo ojo 5 de 3] oe 3 og PPR OC JC 0 J J Jr SNR JRE TL ST Sr Oa a J a a a St A Fy garrisoned troops, and other rations for them will be inereased as fol- lows: bread or substitutes, 10 per cent; sugar, 25 per cent, and candies 100 per cent. —0 Get Scratch Pads at the Print Shop THE CAMPUS BARBER SHOP Located in the South End of the Y.M.C.A. Building . 5 8 58 5 9S 0 0 0 00 8 0.0% a a ac a ai a I AC aC RCH One of the Best Equipped Barber Shops in the State, is Always Neat and Clean and Employs Only the Besst Workmen to be Had. We Solicit Your Business J. F. LAVINDER, Proprietor Sele HASWELL’S Book Store Bryan, Texas XX eo... LJ eee oe” : Agericy Eastman Kodaks Victor Talking Ma- chines and Records 68 0.0.8 OO 0 ® O08 0 2.0 Tech Sa She ste i a 3 a JC IRC JRE JRE JE Athletic Supplies of All Kinds Si 9 0 0.9 9.90 0.9 C0 0.0 0 ae oe ee ee 3 UW Nita: ant. ut PPPRPPPTRSERR EES LL ELL PRC IIE TE JOE TC Jt OR) ¢ She 3b i 2 JC 20 RC IRC RE J 3 NRE 6 6 aeE