: mn Tug. a Noe foosfoafesfeofrefrefrcdrafeadoaeaieefacfacdrcdendoadraradecfucfacirchicdeoadeairefucfachide ds Sand night. “® STUDENT HEALTH SITUATION WELL IN HAND. AA tA Marked progress is noted in the recov- ery of the students who have been afflict- ed during the current epidemic and: so en- couraging is the situation that the physi- cians and officials feel now that the worst has passed and that with favorable weath- er and due precaution on the part of the students the epidemic will soon have passed. Dr. Oliver of Bryan is in charge of the situation as it affects the students, assisted &by Dr. Hunnicutt of Bryan, Mrs. Bur- ‘Troughs, acting head nurse, and Miss Aus- in, another trained nurse. Other nurses “have been employed, so that it is possible ‘to place one in charge of each floor day In addition, three relays of orderlies are on duty daily, keeping the hospital in order and assisting the nurses with individual patients where such pati- ents are seriously. ill. Special food is prepared in the hospital kitchen for the patients, under the direction of the head nurse and Dr. J. J. Taubenhaus, who su- pervises the distribution. Women on the Campus have visited the dormitories regularly under the direction of Mrs. J. C. Nagle, taking the tempera- tures of the indisposed and waiting on them otherwise, and seeing that those who were seriously ill were sent to the hospital. Meals have been specially prepared for fede deeded deb dbl bobo ddl dpe » & EXCHANGE STORE : Main Building thoerels OFFICIAL HEADQUARTERS FOR MILITARY UNIFORMS Largest and most complete stock of Uniform equipment in Central Texas Conducted exclusively for the bene- fit of soldiers and students EXCHANGE STORE I 0 2 J 2 2 J 2 22 J 0 a a a i a da I I I A these students at the Mess hall, under the direction of Miss Laura Neale and her staff, as has been previously noted in these columns. Marked improvement has been noted Im the situation of the students the past two days, Dean Kyle reports. Twenty-two cases were discharged from the hospital Tuesday, and only eight new cases taken in, while Wednesday twelve cases were dis- charged and seven taken in. There are only a few cases of pneumonia among the students but the majority of these are get- ting along well and their early recovery is anticipated. STUDENT LABOR WANTED. For several] days I can use five or six students at any vacant period. Work pays 25 cents per hour. Apply to S. A. McMillan, Agricultural Engineering Build- ing. 26 TYPEWRITER LOST—H. F. Heep had a typewriter in T. E. building. His moth- er writes for it. The party using machine will please return same for shipment. J. B. Bagley. 25. LOST—One class ring marked R.H.S.17. Return to room 49 Leggett hall and re- ceive suitable reward. 26 FOR SALE—Set drawing instruments. Room 28 Milner. 25 foofrafeefsafuetesfoufuctostontecootrntecsatrateciootrafectoofretcfoafreoofrofeeoods 3 5 de # ON ACCOUNT OF THE SHORT- * + AGE OF HELP WE WILL & 5 NOT SERVE ANY MORE : : MEALS UNTIL FURTH- k% x ER NOTICE 4 de > 3 3 3 : \/ ‘ kX = ; 3 A % 5 de a T THE Y. M. C. A. 3 % . x a i 4 a de Z i Ra LR RR