$ in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Per kins of Beaumont, Joe Carroll, an uncle, also of Beaumont, C. J. George of Waco, a brother-in-law, and Miss Bessie That cher of Austin. The body has been sent to Beaumont for burial, accompanied by Private Burchfield as a military escort. Alvin A. Andersonj 27, Co. A, and whose home was at Stoughton, Wis., suc cumbed at 8 o’clock Wednesday night. He is survived by his father, John A. Ander son, and the body will be sent to Stough ton for interment. Wallace Kilter, Co. C, 24 years of age, and whose home was at Lomora, Iowa, passed away at 10:30 Wednesday night. His mother is Mrs. Lena Kilter of Lomora and the body will be forwarded to her for burial. John McAteer, 33, member of Co. B, passed a way at 10:30 Wednesday night. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Olga Mc Ateer, who was with him during his last illness and who accompanied the body to the family home at Gotebo, Okla., whence it was forwarded Thursday at noon. Theodore E. Mietzger, 21, member of Co. C, and whose home was at Galveston, died late Wednesday night. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Metzger of Gal veston and his mother, brother and sister were with him during his last illness. The body was forwarded to Galveston Thurs day afternoon for burial. George E. Buchanan, 22, member of Co. ❖ ❖ NEW SHIPMENT OFFICERS’ PLAIN TOE ARMY SHOES ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ i ■ '± •$* ❖ -J* all sizes and widths. A. M. WALDROP & CO. A, succumbed at 8:45 o’clock Thursday morning. . His home was at Chickasha, Okla., where he is survived by his mother, Mrs. Lorena Buchanan, to whom the body will be sent for burial. Jesse H. Eagle, 24, member of Co. B, and whose home was at Locals Port, Ind. died at 9 :10 Thursday morning. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry O. Eagle of the above address and a sister and brother-in-law were with him in his last illness. These will accompany the body when it is sent home for burial. ❖ THE CAMPUS BARBER SHOP Located in the South End of the Y. M. C. A. Building ONE OF THE BEST EQUIPPED BARBER SHOPS IN THE STATE; IS AWAYS NEAT AND CLEAN AND EMPLOYS ONLY THE BEST WORKMEN TO BE HAD . . . . We Solicit Your Business J. F. LAVINDER Prop. * ❖ *> ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 4r •i* ♦> ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ♦** 4* 4* ❖ 4* ❖ ♦> ❖ 4* | V. ANZELE I f EXPERT TAILOR f 1 UNIFORMS! 4* A SPECIALTY t ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ^ Satisfaction Guaranteed. % BO YETT’S STORE ♦> *!- Ijl Just Off Campus * 4* ❖ 4* *j*