The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, February 17, 1917, Image 1

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    THE DN
Published daily (except Mondays) by the A. and M. Print Shop forcirculation amonmatadeats
faculty, and campus residents.
Vol. IT. =~ College Station, Texas,
“21 to 7’ Placed in Cornerstone.
At the laying of the corner-
sfone of the.Education Building
at the University of Texas the
legend ‘‘21 to 7” was placed in a
\ brass box and deposited with
other relics. The Texan says
that “A. and M. may brand the
Longhorn steer, but they will
need a little dynamite and a Sher-
lock Holmes detective agency to
touch this sacred relic.”
Pla y Rice Monday and Tuesday.
Monday and Tuesday night A.
and M basketeers meet Rice In-
stitute at the gymnasium. These
games will probably settle the
State championship. If A. and
M. wins both, that practically in-
sures the honors for the cadets.
The games will begin at 7:45.
Junior Military Science.
Next lesson in Junior Military
Science is same as previous les-
son, scale problems.
Furniture and fixtures for the
College Club have arrived. The
floor will be polished and just as
soon as that i is completed, thei
an exceedingly attractive oe
for loafing and Ed
= : i & 0 f
Saturday, February 17, 1917. No. 115,
Division Inspector List.
Following is the division in-
spector list for the week ending
February 18,1917:
Austin Hall Thomas, C. Li.
Milner Hall
1st floor Schmidt, A. G.
ond‘ Irby, B. E
oy Martin, S. W.
4th ** Rothe, H. H.
Leggett Hall
Ist floor Moore, I G,
ond Hafner, V. E,
8rd. Swink, W. T.
4th * Hanway, J. T.
Ross Hall Fuchs, J. W.
Mitchell Hall
1st floor Walker, A. A.
ond f Smith, M.G. -
3rd Smith, P. B.\ |
4th © Conway, M. J.
Foster Hall— :
yj 1st & 2nd floors Hubbard, E.P
f 3rd &4th °°  Buchanan,DS
Pfeuffer Hall— Hanson, G. B.
Good winHall— :
1st & 2nd floors Bates, C. W.
3rd & 4th ** Brown, R. P.
~ At the A. and M. basketball
games at Austin, members of the
University students association
plan to take up a collection for
feeding their burdensome mas-
cot. the steer.
4 i