The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, February 14, 1917, Image 2

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Basketball Goods
Complete Line
Now In Stock.
□==$ 1
Men s Bathing Suits
New Shipment
Just Arrived.
A. M. Waldrop
& Company.
Longhorn Steer Branded 13-0
The follow ing clipping from the
Houston Post should he of inter
ext to all Parmer supporters:
Austin, Texas. Feb. 12. The
longhorn steer which was pre
sented to the students of the
University of Texas by the Alum-''
ni Ex-Students' association last
November has been branded, but
the brand is not the one the var
sity students had intended.
They had taken the steer to a
local stock yard, where, Monday,
the brand, “21 to 7,” the score
by which the Texas Longhorns
defeated the A. and M. football
team last Thanksgiving, was to
have been put -m the animal.
But during the night some per
son or persons unknown to the
varsity boys visited the stock
yards and branded “1,3 to 0” on
the steer. As 13 to 0 was the
score by which A. and M. defeat
ed the University two years ago,
it is surmised that the branding
was done by admirers dr sympa
thizers of A. and M. Asa result
the Longhorns are up in arms,
but they admit that a good joke
has been played.
Lecture to E. E. Students.
Mr. H M Blebel, from the
Westinghouse Electric Co at
East Pittsburg, Pa., will talk on
“Opportunities With The West
inghouse E. & M Co.” in Room
301 E E. Building at 4:00 p. m.
today He will speak to the A.
I E E. at 7:30 p m. Thur>day
on “Some of My Experiences As
a Designer of Powur Apparatus”.
All engineering students
should find these talks interest
ing All are invited to attend.
Gross Ignorance in College.
Had it ever occurred to you
that dense ignorance exists right
here in the A. and M. College?
The student body as a whole is
deplorably lacking in knowledge,
of Current events. Only about
one out of four cadets has access
to a daily paper, when, if there
was one daily to every room, the
cost per man would be less than
ten cents a week Subscribe now,
boys, and keep up with the af
fairs of the world.
adv. Cadet News Dealers.