The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, February 11, 1917, Image 2
Spalding’s Bostorlall Goods Complete Line Now In Stock. [ $ — Men’s Bathin g Suits New Shipment Just Arrived. A. M. Waldrop & Company. Sociology Club Notice. The next meeting of the Soci- ology Club will be devoted to the study of the problem of immi- gration. In addition to ananaly- sis of the chapter on the subject in the text, Ellwood’s Sociology and Modern Social Problems, the following program has been ar- ranged: 1. Review of a recent book on the subject of immigration—Mrs. Garner. ; 2 A discussion of E. A. Stein- er’s writing on immigration— Mrs. Clark. 3. A discussion of the feasibil- ity of the literacy test as applied in the recent act of Congress passed over the President’s veto —Mr, Thomas. The following two meetings’ will be given over to a study of the negro problem. In addition to the chapter in the text, the fol- lowing contributions will be made: : 1. The negro problem from the standpoint of the Southern white man.—Dr Bizzell. 2. The negro problem from the standpoint of the Northern white man— Mr. Eliot. 3. The negro problem as found “in the writings of prominent ne- groes — Mr. Hayes. 4. Controversies over lynching — Mr. McKnight. 5. Some biological aspects of the negro problem— Mr. Hum- bert. 6. The rights of the negro un- der the United States’ Constitu- tion—Mr. Clark. These meetings are held in the ladies’ parlor of the Y. M. C. A, at 7:30 p. m. on Mondays, and all members of the senior class, and those of the faculty who care to join in the discussion are in- vited to attend. “So Called” Army Shoes. Boys, after careful investiga- tion I feel certain that, quality for quality, I am giving you fifty per cent more for your money than any dealer has offered you on ‘so called” army shoes. Fif- ty per cent is a low estimate at that I wouldn't tell you some- thing I do not believe true. You are my friends and the friend- ship is worth more to me than what I make on shoes. Herman