The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, February 11, 1917, Image 1

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Published daily (except Mondays) by the A. and M. Print Shep for circulation among students,
faculty, and campus residents.
Vol. II, College Station, Texas, Sunday, February 11, 1917.
No. 111.
Chemistry 101.
The department of Chemistry
has been authorized to give in
the second term a course to be
known as Chemistry 112 (3-2),
which will cover the work o fs
Chemistry 101 as given in the
first term.
All students whose grade in
Chemistry 101 was E for the first
term of this session are required
ta drop Chemistry 101 and to
- take Chemistry 112 in the second
term, re-arranging their sched:
ules if necessary. They are di
rected to report to the Registrar
Monday, February 12, for assign-
ment to section.
The schedule for Chemistry
112 is as follows: Section D, the-
ory, T..,Th., 8a. m.; prac
tice, Kriday, 8-10a. m.; section H,
theory, T., S. at 8 a. m. Satur:
day at 9a m.; practice, Friday
10-12 a. m.
Science Seminar.
By mistake, a meeting of the
Science Seminar was announced
for tomorrow evening. The
Seminar will not meet until Mon-
day: the 19th
Mass will be said this morning
at the usual hour in room 400.
‘Today’s Chapel Speaker.
Dr. Stockton Axson, Professor
of English Language and Litera-
ture of Rice Institute, Houston,
will lecture at the College Chap-
el today.
Dr. Axson is a brother-in-law
of President Wilson.
‘Next Sunday: Dr. J. L.. Gross,
pastor First Baptist Church,
Y. M. C. A. Election Tomorrow.
The election of Y. M. C. A. offi-
cers had to be postponed from
Saturday until Monday. T o-
morrow morning from 8 to 12 in
the rotunda of the Main Building
all active members og the Young
Men’s Christian Association will
be expected to cast their ballots
for president, vice-president,
secretary and treasurer.
Mathematics 203.
All those who are deficient in
Math. 203, first term Calculus,
and who would be willing to join
a special section this term, will
please meet in 81 Mitchell imme-
diately after dinner today
Tomorrow and next day A. and
M. basket shooters will play T.
C U. Both of these games will
be played at night.