The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, February 09, 1917, Image 4

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    EC ——
Toilet Soap
Best and Purest
Coupons from
Bryan Eagle, February 12,
1917; Houston Post and Hous-
ton Chronicle, February 11,
1917, ps
Are Redeemable At
North Main St.
=. A.C. Bailey, Mgr.
Guard Detail.
: For Febroary 10. 1917.
Officer of the Day:
Cadet. Priv Brecker, H. R.
Officer of the Guard:
Cadet Capt. Cartwright, E.B.
FOR SALE — 1''Laboratory &
Field Work Guide in Zoology,”
Linville and Kelly; 1 ‘Chemistry,’
Stecle; 1 ‘Complete Secondary
Algebra,” Fisher & Schwatt; 1.
“General Zoology,” Linville and
Kelly; 1 ‘‘Text-book of Physics,”
Wentworth & Hill; 1 “Milk and
Its Products,” Hi
iB. Coclsrell, 86 Mitchell.
Satnrday ph after the
freshmen game there will be a
stag dance at the gym. Latest
music by the College Orchestra.
Letters Undilivered.
Letters addressed to’ the fol-
lowing named persons may be
obtained by calling for them ‘at
the Campus Postoffice: =
A. L. Bullard,
Tommy Burn,
Tommie Burns,
A. L. Carter,
Hon. D. C. Dove,
Ralph Edwards,
J. S. Evans,
James G. Forrest,
I. Francis,
W. H Griffin,
f. A. Hollingshead,
Albert Laikins,
W_ D. Ridley,
Chas. Walker,
C. O. Williamson.
WANTED: ‘The Oregon Trail,’
by Francis Parkman; “A Practi-
ca! Course in Botany,” by An-
drews; ‘‘Sonthern Field Crops,”
by Duggar; “Tvpes and Breeds
of Farm Animals,” by Plumb.
E. F. Alderman, 13 Ross.
WANTED-—A “Southern Field
Crops,’ by Duggar- — 79 Good-
Have that i:ipe of yours
fixed now Three to four
day service on all pipe
repairs Don t do with- _
out that pleasurable
smoke when you can
have it fora nominal cost.