The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, February 06, 1917, Image 4

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Toilet Soap
Bb est and Purest
Coupons from
‘Bryan Eagle, February 12,
1917; Houston Post and Hous-
ton Chronicle, February 11,
1917, #
Are Redeemable At
ES North Main St.
AC -Bailey, Mgr
ES EAR C0 TS ret
‘Guard Detail.
For Febri nary 6. 1917.
Officer of the Day: afer
Cadet Lieut. Buchanan, D'S.
Officer of the Gard :
Cadet Priv. Burkett, Hy
Le trishibocbarer: Fin
Sumas-.MacManus, the Irish
lecturer, filled with wit and ha
mor, will appear LAthe OVE C.
Auditorfun on" Fritay seen,
Refifaary 9. Li
HOR SALE: Tailor Se Ra
¥ mifodm Tl fine (gone HAO
Wo! trade, for, ‘cits? 1B: Ato
.Suith; 2 Milner.
WANTED —A second hand
BigP rinoip! es, of, Algebra,
by Hawks- Loyby;; font R. Hen’
sarling, Foster 42;
Golf Expert at Waldrop’s.
Mr. S J. Cooper, the golf ex-
pert, will be located with the
Bryan Country Club for the next
two months and will give instruc:
tions in golf playing, make clubs
to order or repair old ones. Kor
any information phone or call at
A. M. Waldrop & Co’s store,
where Mr. Cooper will make his
headquarters and display a full
line of his golf clubs. (106)
FOUND: A military brush
with black ebony back. Was
picked up near Leggett Halil.
Owner may apply at 59 Good win.
Will the fellow who borrowed a
“(Cambria Steel” from me please
return it. The book is nof mine.
—H M. Cather. 21 Mitchell.
FOUND: A French book en
titled ‘‘I.e .Juif Polonais.” Call
at No. 12 Milner — CC A. Castillo
Have that 1 ipe of vours
fixed now Three tofour
day service on all pipe
repairs. Don t do with-
out that pleasurable
smoke when you can
have it fora nominal cost.
George A. Adams
Insurance of all kinds
including automobile
Special attention to campus residents.
Phones 265 and 539, Bryan.