The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, February 06, 1917, Image 3

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    Relations Broken
with Germany, but not with
Heine, No. 7 Ross, who sells the
best stationery.
WANTED: Plumb’s “Types
and Breeds;” a botany; an ‘‘Ele-
mentary Dairying:”’ and Cor-
bett’s ‘Vegetable Gardening.’’
—P. Jordan, 10 Mitchell.
. A “Southern Field Crops,” by
_Duggar; Types and Breeds of
Farm Animals,” by Plumb; and
“The Oregon Trail,” wanted at
15 Leggett.
LOST: “Essentials of English
Compositon,” by Linn. It was
left at Sheep barn, and has J. H.
Jameson’s name in it. Finder
please notify No. 70 Milner —C.
J. Taylor.
Edwin Clapp and
Bostonian Shoes
Edwin Clapp and
Bostonian Shoes
Soft Collars
New Shipment
Just Arrived
Cleaning, pressing, and
alterations done neatly
and promptly at a low
cost at the Student Tail-
or Shop. Liberal dis-
count if you buy a tick-
et. ’
Tumlinson & Alderson
A Saving To You.
Are you a member of the Y.
M.C. A? If not why not join
now while you have the cash on
hand. A special second term
rate of $3.00 has been put on
which entitles you to the s4">
privileges until October 1, 1917.
A member pays no extras for
- swimming pool or game tables.
See Mr. Firth at once.